
How long is the drive to Ann Arbor??

  • Mr. 300
    Taking my wife up to UM for a second opinion on her cancer. UM is a sarcoma center, specializing in the rare form she has. Just wondered how long the drive is past Toledo??
    No idea but I will keep your wife in my prayers. Hope all works out for all of you
  • se-alum
    My father had soft tissue Sarcoma which is very rare, and OSU did an amazing job with it. Cancer free for 4 years now!!

    Hope everything goes well for your wife!
    Only about 1 hour past Toledo to Ann Arbor. Good luck.
  • vball10set
    best of luck,Mr.300--an hour from here at the most (more like 45 minutes) ;)
  • cbus4life
    About an hour after Toledo, really easy drive.

    Best of luck to you and your wife, i'll be sending positive thoughts your way!!!

    UM Medical Center is as good as it gets, i'm sure they'll do a great job!
  • Writerbuckeye
    From the old joke in the 1970s:

    Directions to Ann Arbor....

    North until you can smell it.

    West until you step in it. :)

    In all seriousness, your wife is my thoughts and prayers. Big Ten schools may yap at each other (and their fans) about sports all year long -- but they know what is really important and have put their resources where they'll do the most good.

    Again, all the best.
  • sleeper
    Make sure to fill up in Toledo and pack a lunch.
  • bigkahuna
    Good Luck to you and your wife.

    I live just over the border.

    I don't even think it's an hour past Toledo. Like others have said, it's an easy drive. 75, Hit 475, 23 94W or stay on 23

    There are signs everywhere that either say UM-Ann Arbor or Michigan Stadium.
  • cats gone wild
    Sorry to hear about your wife, and I pray that everything works out. And for once, I agree with sleeper......fill up your tank before you cross the state line.
  • Al Bundy
    Mr. 300,

    Prayers for your wife and you. Hope everything goes well.
  • Mr. 300
    Thanks everyone. The James at OSU Med Center has and is being wonderful to wifey, but she decided she wanted a second opinion on everything, and her Dr's were like "you bet".

    Sounds like it will be easy to get to, and I'll use the old GPS for the specific location.

    Should I wear an OSU shirt???? :)
  • skank
    Good luck to you and your wife....Ya big pain in the ass.
  • dwccrew
    Mr. 300 wrote:
    Should I wear an OSU shirt???? :)
  • Sonofanump
    It's maybe 40-45 minutes to campus once you hit the state line.