Michigan State Unveils new Uni/Logo set for all sports...
raiderbuck...everything looks great, except that god awful Tennessee Titans-esque jersey stripe. The all green jerseys with the white pants looks great.
Hockey looks good too.
Closup of the football jersey...they've incorporated some kind of bronze trim as well:
http://twitpic.com/1htw64/full -
Scarlet_BuckeyeEh... not bad. No real dramatic changes.
WebFireI like the backside of the volleyball ones.
The uniforms or the girls?WebFire wrote: I like the backside of the volleyball ones. -
sjmvsfscs08Not a fan of the new football jerseys. Too contemporary.
jordo212000I must admit, I've been very critical of Nike lately, but I like those. I like the white jerseys slightly better though. The green jerseys would have been better off being completely green. The white stripe on the shoulders just doesn't translate as well on those, as the green stripe does on the whites
sjmvsfscs08^^I would agree. The entirely green one to the right was slick though.
Little DannyIn regards to the football uni's, I like the green jersey's but I am not sold on the whites.
darbypitcher22Not a huge fan....
karen lotzwell done on the back of the volleyball uni's
Shirts look a little too long for me.karen lotz wrote: well done on the back of the volleyball uni's