
Ohio Indoor State Championship predictions

  • hubman
    Indoor States is only 2 weeks away. Who are some of the favorites Boys/Girls Divisions I; II/III, team, individual???

    My team predictions as of this point

    Boys D1
    Glenville - Not sure anyone can challenge them
    Warren Harding - Where did they come from
    Gahanna Lincoln - Blake Heriott leading the way
    Trotwood - Will William Henry have help

    Boys D2
    Dunbar - Like Harding, where did they come from, or where have they been
    Bishop Hartley -might be the best Boys and Girls teams combined outside of Akron of course
    Buchtel - Griffs drop back to D2 this year, should make some noise right
    Thurgood Marshall
    Gilmour Academy

    Girls D1

    Shaker Heights – is there anyone left in D1 to stop them
    Euclid- looking strong
    Buchtel – Makes move to D1 this year, probably could not have picked a better year
    Reynoldsburg????? Where is that juggernaut from last year

    Girls D2
    Will be a straight up dog fight, if there ever was a year you’d rather be in D1 this might be it.
    Bishop Hartley – Probably could win D1 handily/ D2 not so easy
    Collinwood - State power drops to D2 this year
    Warrensville Heights – half of the wonder cousins graduated, but they still look strong
    Gilmour Academy – Looks strong for D3 outdoors, might be rough indoors against the above 3.

    I was wondering where the serious folks on the Huddle went, when they didnt show up on Yappi :)
  • trackislife
    hubman wrote: Indoor States is only 2 weeks away. Who are some of the favorites Boys/Girls Divisions I; II/III, team, individual???

    My team predictions as of this point

    Boys D1
    Glenville - Not sure anyone can challenge them
    Warren Harding - Where did they come from
    Gahanna Lincoln - Blake Heriott leading the way
    Trotwood - Will William Henry have help

    Boys D2
    Dunbar - Like Harding, where did they come from, or where have they been
    Bishop Hartley -might be the best Boys and Girls teams combined outside of Akron of course
    Buchtel - Griffs drop back to D2 this year, should make some noise right
    Thurgood Marshall
    Gilmour Academy

    Girls D1

    Shaker Heights – is there anyone left in D1 to stop them
    Euclid- looking strong
    Buchtel – Makes move to D1 this year, probably could not have picked a better year
    Reynoldsburg????? Where is that juggernaut from last year

    Girls D2
    Will be a straight up dog fight, if there ever was a year you’d rather be in D1 this might be it.
    Bishop Hartley – Probably could win D1 handily/ D2 not so easy
    Collinwood - State power drops to D2 this year
    Warrensville Heights – half of the wonder cousins graduated, but they still look strong
    Gilmour Academy – Looks strong for D3 outdoors, might be rough indoors against the above 3.

    I was wondering where the serious folks on the Huddle went, when they didnt show up on Yappi :)
    Does anyone know where notre dame academy is? I am looking at the results and they seem to have come out of know where. Placed well in the 4 X 200, 4 X 400, 1600m and 3200. Let me know
  • Benje
    According to OHSAA website Notre Dame Academy is in Toledo.
  • Finishtiming
    They went to a few other indoor meets but were listed as NDA at alot of them. they were always at the top of those events also.