
Hidden Gems Spring Showcase!

  • HiddenGems

    * March 28th at Harvest Prep H.S. at 2-6pm

    * Registration begins promptly at 130pm.

    * Open to 9th-11th graders & UNSIGNED Seniors

    * Space limited to 120 players

    * Top Colleges from each level of play will be in attendance:
    NCAA D1 affiliates
    NCAA D2
    NAIA D1 & D2
    NCAA D3
    JC D1 & D2

    * Only $2.00 entry fee for visitors

    * $30.00 per player payable to:

    Hidden Gems
    P.O. Box 26582
    Columbus,Ohio 43226

    [email protected] - Lucius Jones

    Contact for info,registration,or to confirm specific colleges and services coming.
  • HiddenGems
    Please check out the date change!
  • ross ford81
    Are these players supposed to be from Central Ohio only or can others from around the state attend? Are the players registered on a first-come basis?
  • HiddenGems
    Players can come from anywhere.

    Yes its first-come.

    Also check out the youtube of the fall event I just added to the initial post.