Where have all the runners gone?
stationrunSince the time change I've gone from seeing 5-6 other runners a day to 5-6 runners a week. Granted I do most of my running now in the dark after work, but all those runners I saw all summer long have disappeared. Even on the weekends when I run during the day I see virtually no one. I've had days go by where it's just me and my dog and no one else out there. Where did they all go? Are they running on treadmills or indoor tracks or just not running during the winter?
GymshoeGood question, Stationrun. I would have to say that many are fair weather runners who we won't see again til March. Some definitely are inside on the treadmill while others are cross-training with weights, basketball, etc. I truly enjoy running outside in the winter. There's just something about the solitude as well as the daily battle with the elements that makes it fun. On another related note: Stationrun, what are your trails like during the winter? Do they get plowed? Are you able to navigate them after a snowfall?
stationrunGymshoe, the metro-parks usually plow the bike paths the same day it snows unless the snow comes late in the day. I thank those guys profusely every time I see them!! I made myself a pair of "screwed" shoes last winter out of an old pair of running shoes and sheet metal screws which I wear if the paths are real icy. I think last winter there were only 2 or 3 days where I had to resort to the treadmill due to the paths having too much snow on them, which is pretty good for living in NE Ohio! I'm not a real fan of running in the real cold weather, but oddly enough I love running when it's snowing out as does my running partner Jodi (our dog).
FHS654I run at a local college's indoor track on days that it is too cold, windy or etc. But if it is pretty reasonable outside then I throw on the running shoes and take off after school.
givetallugotI think there may not be as much motivation to run in the cold with fewer road races. I know there are some, but definitely not as many as in the summer where you could always find a convenient race to go to.
Fly4FunI tend to stick inside unless it's some what warmer and sunny.
Running in cold weather isn't really my idea of a good run. -
Con_AlmaOh no. Sorry to hear that ccrunner.
Get it healed right so you don't have any down time next year. -
Sorry to here that..... Be good and let it heal right!ccrunner609 wrote: Been running outside still. Getting ready for some down though. Think I have a stress fracture.
Now that explains why you have been so tough on your keyboard.....LOL