The New Lexington Girls Basketball program will be hosting our 1st Annual Girls Basketball Fall League. The games will be played on Sunday afternoons 4pm to 8pm starting September 11th and ending October 30tth. All teams will play a total of 14 games on seven Sundays with a double elimination tournament on the 30th.
The league will be a total of 8 middle school teams (6th through 8th grade). There will be 8 girls per team, keeping in mind that only 2 players from each school may play on the same team (OHSAA rule). Space is limited and restricted based on OHSAA rules. Registration will close after the first 64 registrations. The talent level will be balanced as much as possible across all teams. All teams will have a coach supplied but assistance may be need with the clock/scorebook for each game.
Please note, this is not a teaching environment but rather a place for young ladies that have played competitive basketball to get started again for the fall. FUN, sportsmanship, fundamentals, 100 % effort, and balanced playing time, while still being competitive, will be the goal of this league.
All participants will be required to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and under the rules of the league. This is a middle school league only. Anyone submitting a falsified registration will be dismissed from the league with no refund and will not be permitted to play in subsequent years. New Lexington Girls Basketball Program reserves the right to refuse any registration. No refunds will be given after August 21st, 2011.
WHEN: September 11th through October 30th, 2011
WHERE: New Lexington High School. 2547 Panther Drive New Lexington Ohio 43764.
COST: $50.00 per player and includes a numbered jersey. Please make checks payable to: New Lexington Girls Basketball.
To confirm your registration, you must be one of the first 64 paid entries and have completed the attached registration form. Additional entries will go onto a waiting list. The following information will be used in determining the teams. Registration is first come first serve and deadline to enter will be August 21st, 2011 or when full.
Questions should be directed to Mike Davisson 740-987-7522, 740-684-0119 or Aaron Skillman 740-621-2128, 740-808-4106
The undersigned being the parents and/or legal guardians of said player, herewith knowingly and voluntarily assume all risk and responsibility and hold harmless New Lexington City Schools or Athletic Boosters from any and all liability, claims, actions, demands, and judgments arising out of any and all injuries sustained while participating in the New Lexington Middle School Fall Basketball League. Also, in consideration of the use of certain facilities, we release indemnify and hold harmless the New Lexington Athletic Boosters and their Board of Directors, New Lexington School District and their Board of Education/ Girls Basketball program and Directors.
Please print player’s information
Player’s Name____________________
Home #_______________________
Cell #_____________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________
School Entering: _______________
Grade Entering: _______________
DOB: _____/______/______
Ht: _____________
Position: >
1 2 3 4 5
Adult Shirt Size:
Please list what level in school or winter program you played last year:__________________________________
Did you start?_______________________________
Please list any select Spring or AAU team you played for this year:_________________________________
Is there another player from your school that you want to be on the same team? If so, both players MUST list each other here: __________________________________________________________________________
These requests will be honored on a best effort basis and are not guaranteed. Specific teams or coaches will NOT be honored.
Parent/Guardian(s) Signature:__________________________________________________________________
If you are interested in coaching a team, please list your name and contact information below. If you have coached any Middle School or High School Girls team in the 2010/2011 season or plan to coach said team in the upcoming season, you are ineligible.
Name_______________________________Phone_________________ E-mail____________________________
Make Checks Payable to: New Lexington Girls Basketball
Mail to: New Lexington Fall Basketball League c/o Mike Davisson P.O. Box 71 Junction City Ohio 43748
Please note that an e-mail message, or a portion thereof, may be releasable as a public record in accordance with Chapter 149 of the Ohio Revised Code.
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