Head Coaching Position Available: Bowling Green State University (M&W)XC and (W)Track
givetallugotBowling Green State University
The mens and womens head cross country position is now open as well as the indoor and outdoor womens distance position. The previous coach held all four positions. The athletic department is currently looking for potential candidates.
Athletic Director is Greg Christopher. His e-mail is [email protected]. -
Swamp FoxI wonder if Coach Wells has obtained another coaching position or she is stepping away from coaching? I know that she recently married and perhaps her plans have gone in a different direction. at any rate, I wish her luck in her future endeavors.
givetallugotIt was the AD's decision to fire her. She recently bought a house in BG. I'm sure she will look to coach again. She has a great passion and knowledge of the sport. She was a high school state champion and national qualifier in track and xc in college.
http://bgsufalcons.com/news/2011/3/30/MXC_0330111317.aspx (Article about her firing)
http://bgsufalcons.com/coaches.aspx?rc=74&path=mcross (Coaching BIO) -
givetallugotCoach Paulson was very passionate and knowledgeable about the sport. She did make an effort to meet each and every one of her athlete's needs. She was available to talk to during and outside of practice. I also do not know anyone that is as good of a motivator as she is. Coach Paulson has great credentials. She was a state champion in HS and an NCAA qualifier in cross and track. She handled many administrative responsibilities including organizing and staffing both home meets and the high school indoor meets which the team used to bring in money. She mapped out the courses, handled team entries, hired officials, and knew many people who were happy to volunteer. Coach Paulson has been coaching since 2000. The BG womens team has consistently ranked in the middle of the MAC. On the guys side, it has been difficult with track being cut and scholarships being cut. Eddie Kipchoge was the individual champion at the All-Ohio meet in 2005 or 2006.
Simply put, you can't win without scholarships on the guys side. The guys have been steadily improving their All-Ohio place even without scholarships. 13th this year out of 40. The womens' team does give out 5 scholarships, but her job would have been much easier with an assistant coach who could help out a little more on the recruiting end. -
givetallugotNo, I'm in BG right now. We got 5 weeks left of school. I start racing next weekend.
NW5kHey Give,
How many scholarships is there at BGSU for the mens x-country team?