
Calvert's Paul Jones resigns

  • Leonardo
    I was told this last night and former football coach Pat Herron will take over.
  • always_numba_3
    heard the same news last night, wonder why he coached 2 games then resigned.
    should of just stayed resigned after last season
  • original_sin
    Whoa, there has to be a story behind that!
  • bucks36
    I hear he was confronted in the parking lot by a parent. NOBODY (especially Mr. Jones) needs that.
  • original_sin
    According the the AT, the assistant coach had to tell the players of Jones' resignation and Jones had no real comments but only to say the program would be easier to stay positive if someone else took over.

    Something definately doesn't sound kosher.
  • lhs2ndbase
    Bucks-heard the same story, about a parent not too happy about a freshman getting PT over their daughter, who knows though.
  • original_sin
    A coach just doesn't up and quit.

    Not good.