
Why is conference on a Friday?

  • said_aouita
    Is it just me or isn't conference usually on a Saturday?
  • said_aouita
    ccrunner609 wrote: might be a large ammount of schools in the conference with proms.......could be an issue with getting officials
    (I apologize for rolling my eyes) :rolleyes:
    The idea that a high school prom would cause schedule changes of the conference championship track meet....(boo)
  • TedSheckler
    It leaves Saturday as a rain date.
  • said_aouita
    TedSheckler wrote: It leaves Saturday as a rain date.
    Great point.
  • MrTrackMski
    Saturday rain date? Good luck getting officials.
    I work one conference meet on a Tuesday and Friday schedule.
    I work another conference meet on a Thursday and Saturday schedule.
    And how many conferences are there in the Central OHIO area? Then throw in the other areas that have conference meets..........
    Officials only have so many days in a week!!! LOL
    I had a JV/Reserve Invitational on Monday and a scheduled MS meet yesterday.

    Back to the question: If not Friday, when? What week? It is NOT an easy job trying to figure out the "best" schedule for conference meets.
  • TedSheckler
    Didn't know your schedule corresponds to all the other officials. I know for a fact that all the officials working Friday are available for Saturday. Thanks for playing.
  • Con_Alma
    Doesn't the regular season with common dates occupy more officials than conference meets do???

    Two tri meets on the same day take how many officials?? usually there are more than two scheduled on the same day ....Thursday for example.

    One conference meet with 8-12 teams takes how many officials?
  • Finishtiming
    A lot of conferences are on friday for a number of reasons.

    1) extra days rest before district
    2) rain date is saturday (This is why CBC moved to friday)
    3) friday night meets are easier to get help for.

    We are doing 4 different conferences this week alone and I do not have a single one ending on saturday unless it is rainy on one of the others. The same group of officials work 2 of them.

    I am just hoping the rain stays away and I can get my first saturday off since January.
  • Starter
    How many diplomas distributed at the state tournament?
  • Altor
    Several years ago, our area had three conference meets on Saturday. The smallest of the three always had trouble getting officials. The meet manager asked the AD's to move the meet to Friday night for this reason. They refused. Track meets are meant to be run on Saturday and their kids deserve to run on Saturday just like everybody else.

    Flash forward a few years. The two larger conferences now run on Friday night, leaving only the one to run on Saturday. The day that wasn't good enough for one conference now made a lot of sense to the others.

    As an official, I like Friday night meets. There's just something about running under the lights that makes it special to me. Besides, we play football and basketball games on Friday night. How is a track meet any different?