Gus Johnson narrating ...
gorocks99... while the dog goes at it. Thanks, Bill Simmons.
karen lotzwow that's great. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!
stroupsand he hits it
j_crazygus johnson.
one shining moment.
so many things to love about this video. -
Fab1bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
osudarby08a text from last night from a few weeks ago:
How much would it be to rent out Gus Johnson so he can announce our flip cup games? -
Terry_TateI saw that earlier today, and have laughed every single time watching it. Just thinking about the BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! alone cracks me up. Whoever made that is a freakin' genius.
osu45804Great now I can't get to sleep that was so awesome
sonofsamThat reminds me of my dog... GOOD Boy
darbypitcher22That's absolutely friggin' hilarious
gorocks99Bump ... because it's Friday, and, well, you can't get enough of a bulldog humping to Gus.
Terry_TateWhen it hits the bam part I just lose it every time. Instant Classic!!!
KnightXC1Gus Johnson is awesome!!