
The grossest thing in your fridge is...

  • silverstreak
    Are mashed potatoes supposed to be grey? Hmm......
  • Shane Falco
    Swamp Fox wrote: Not in the fridge but in our stand-up freezer in the garage we had several dead mice (wife's pets) and two dead pet rats. We had to wait until Spring to bury them. I know, I know, you have to meet my wife to understand.

    Dude thats messed up!!
  • LJ
    Swamp Fox wrote: Not in the fridge but in our stand-up freezer in the garage we had several dead mice (wife's pets) and two dead pet rats. We had to wait until Spring to bury them. I know, I know, you have to meet my wife to understand.
    umm... that's not weird at all.... seriously

    We always had dead cats in our freezer over the winter when I was a kid.

    Also, when the vet euthanizes your pet, it's stored in a freezer until the cremation company comes.
  • Heretic
    Let's see. There's the left-over cassarole from when I visited my mom a few weeks ago. I need to dump that soon before it gets really bad. And some lunch meat that also needs pitched.

    I always seem to wind up with a few things gross in the fridge. Whenever I visit my mom, her "mom" instinct takes over and I go home with a crapload of food. Sometimes it's stuff I love, sometimes it's stuff that's good, but I wouldn't want to eat repeatedly during the course of a week. That's the stuff that winds up disgusting, so I have to dump it while trying not to puke at the sight/smell.
  • salto
    I just cleaned my fridge. There was a once clear plastic container that was half full of some brown, ground hamburger looking substance. I couldn't identify it, so it went straight into the trash without any further investigation.
  • Firad
    2 week old spaghetti.