Who Wears the Pants in Your House?
ernest_t_bassBe honest too. Who wears the pants. Papa? Mama? Kids? Just because you say you want control doesn't mean you have it. Do you wear the pants?
Personally, I'd say that I do, but the Mrs. and I butt heads a lot. She's the one who is home all day with the kids, so it's tough for her to "let go of the reins" when I come home. -
Gblockalthough i have been gaining more ground lately...i definitly do not wear the pants. realistically though i think its better that way because if left to my own devices all hell usually breaks loose in my life.
the high maintenence gets old sometimes and her inability to let things go or her ability to make big deals about small things does cause me to have meltdowns about once a month or so.
then a few days go by and we get back to breezy again. -
ernest_t_bassI see this is building up to be a nice failure
j_crazyif my baby wanted my wife dead, i'd take care of it.
Def LeopardWe have a saying we live by in our home, "if Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy". I'm still the king of the castle...
when my wife isn't home. -
Swamp FoxThe pets do, and it isn't even close.
Goldenboy26definitely my wife
Con_AlmaI put them on, I wear them. When someone else puts them on they can wear them...until then no one is going to make me unhappy because they aren't happy.
CenterBHSFanI do. But, I have no probs picking and choosing my battles.
vball10seteven if I won't admit it to her,I sure better let her think she does
HereticI'm single and don't like pants.
So no one wears the pants in my house! -
Hey you! I had an option just for you. You ruin everything, ruiner. My sister likes you.Heretic wrote: I'm single and don't like pants.
So no one wears the pants in my house! -
HereticDid someone say SISTER!???!??!?
I Wear PantsUm.
*looks at user name* -
Gblockbtw april 7 is national no pants day
sonofsamShe thinks she does, but she knows...
justincredibleWe're both too laid back for one of us to feel the need to "wear the pants" in the relationship.
j_crazy^^said the man with a kids size 8 foot in his ass.
No...that's by request. After it gets comfortable enough, he'll be moving up to a size 9. Everyone needs a hobby, you know...j_crazy wrote: ^^said the man with a kids size 8 foot in his ass. -
j_crazyit was a joke regarding his wife's small stature and him being incredibly whipped by her.
HereticAnd mine was a joke about him liking to insert various objects up his butt. At least we're both on the same page that making jokes concerning Justin is a fun way to pass the time.
GoChiefsNeither one. We both do our own thing. Unlike some posters *cough, cough* Coyotes *cough, cough* ...I don't need to ask my wife 'permission' to do anything. As she doesn't need to ask me 'permission' to do anything. She stays in the kitchen..and I stay outside or on the recliner. We are both content and happy with that.
fan_from_texasNeither, really. We're both assertive/stubborn people, but we're horribly indecisive when it comes to day-to-day decisions. I think it's more "paralysis by analysis" than anything else--we spend a lot of time making decisions on things because we want to make sure we get it right.
justincredibleMy wife just read this thread and told me I have to ban j_crazy and Heretic. Sorry guys.