
Fattest NFL Quarterback in History?

  • steel_curtain
    The hefty lefty Jared Lorenzen.
  • Early Cuyler
    Jared "Tubby Gunslinger" Lorenzen
  • onedawgpain
    Ken Stabler
  • ts1227
    Have to go with the Pillsbury Throwboy
  • lets_go_devils
    Cant disagree with The Pillsbury Throwboy, but I think BYRON LEFTWICH should be included on this list.
  • GOONx19
  • wes_mantooth
    LJ wrote: Don't we have a pro sports forum on here?
    No....budget cuts.
  • Little Danny
    If I recall Lorenzen has slimmed down. I remember seeing him last year or so on the sidelines and thought he was a shell of how big he used to be. He is listed as 6'4 285 on I remember when he played at UK and he hovered at the 300 lb mark. They did a "Where's Waldo" type segment where they mixed him in with some offensive linemen and asked the audience to find the QB. He was bigger than a lot of the lineman by far.