Current/former College students
hoops23How often do/did you skip out on a class? If it was a class that was mainly note taking, or covering material that you're already familiar with, would you skip out?
I know of some people who hardly go to class, they do all the work from the syllabus and stay in contact with the instructors through email to make sure everything is on schedule... They mainly show up for tests.
So, any of you do this, or did this? -
HereticOh sweet jebus! I skipped as often as I could and still feel comfortable about getting whatever grade I needed. Some classes I did just enough to pass; some, I did more work with.
I Wear PantsI don't go to my economics class if I understand the chapter we're going over. Attendance isn't a part of the grade, assignments are posted, completed, and turned in online. Plus there are tons of quizzes and practice questions on the website a lot of which are created by the professor and which will be on the exams...verbatim.
My personal policy is to go if there is an attendance policy (like free points) and to always go if the lectures are at least somewhat interesting or if I have even the least bit of trouble. -
Glory DaysI went to all my classes. only missed a handfull because of conflicts with other school activities. even if i went and the lecture was boring and i was staring off into space, i knew i would learn more that way than not being there. plus i didnt want to get a bad grade in a class and then have to wonder if i went to the classes maybe i would have done better.
tcarrier32i go to class, just not regularly.
GoChiefsI never skipped..I had perfect attendance in my school..if you didn't miss a didn't have to take the final exam! Yeah..that was enough incentive for me to get my ass up every morning.
Swamp FoxI can't actually remember ever skipping a class, and I don't want this to sound heroic, but I worked a 40 hour a week factory job at night and carried a full load of classes in the day time. I did not walk five miles to work and school each day through a driving snow...I drove. There were some creature comforts I was unwilling to give up.
martyirishwhen I was younger and first went to college I skipped all the time.
After being in the real world and returning school became very important and I rarely is ever skipped.
I graduated in 2006 with a bachelors after graduating high school in 82 so there was a different mindset when I returned -
thePITmanI can proudly say I never skipped one class in all the days and classes of my 4-year degree. Whenever I spoke to friends who were going to college for the first time, the #1 piece of advice I always gave them was "Go to class!"
iclfan2I probably skipped less than 5 times in 5 years. I didn't have a job so it was all I had to do. Plus, I was certain that by going to every class I would get no lower than a B.
MountlaxI've probably skipped once in four years and that was for an AC/DC concert, one missed econ class didn't hurt me.
CharlieHogI had 2 classes I skipped all the time, Intro to Psychology and Astronomy. Psych was at 7:30 AM and the tests were taken entirely from the book and counted for 100% of our grade, so I just studied the book and showed up for tests. Got an A. In Astronomy the prof would just show up and put his notes on the overhead projector and read them to us, but he also put his notes online. So I just read his notes on my own time and showed up for the tests. Got an A in that class too.
McFly1955I went to most --- The first couple years I'd probably skip out on a class per week or so....I got my bachelor's in 3 years though, so I was pretty busy and had a lot of classes, and I was working..
jmogEngineering/math/science classes-never skipped unless it was something serious (like sick enough to miss work). Being an engineer those were kind of important classes and hard to catch back up if you missed a couple classes.
However, when I took Humanties (west. cult. at some universities) the prof passed out the lecture notes for a 400+ student class on day 1, and we had 3 lectures and 1 smaller normal size discussion class with grad. assistants per week. After about week 2 I never went to lecture again except on test days, I only went to discussion. Lecture was 8 in the morning and it was an easy class. I still got an A without going to lecture for the last 12 or 13 weeks. -
capninsanoAny class that didn't have an attendance policy I went to only as needed. Most professors aren't any more insightful than the book they teach from, so I never really had a point in going.
Of course, an attendance policy didn't keep me from skipping either. My final GPA would probably be at least .5 higher had I went to all my classes and "participated"....I was just always apathetic towards academics because in the end, they really don't mean squat unless you are going to grad school. My whole purpose in college was to make connections with people that could help me get the job I wanted....and I accomplished that. -
bamagirlAt OSU I could afford to skip quite a few, (since you went almost every day), but I rarely missed any. However at my current school if you miss more than one class you are done and have the take the class over again.
dwccrewI did until I was in my senior level courses. Then it was mostly group work and whatnot so you had to show up for class to meet with your group to work on projects.
jordo212000I'm in my senior year and I've probably skipped 5 total times. I go to a small liberal arts college and the attendance policy is pretty tough. That being said, people still skip.. a lot. But I still haven't skipped/missed class this semester
wizecrackerI virtually never skip class. I think I have only skipped 2 classes this year. They were both a non-mandatory marketing class which is a joke.
fan_from_texasI skipped a handful of classes my frosh year of college. Since then, not so much. It dawned on me that if I'm paying a ton for it, I might as well show up.
gorocks99I showed up to most of them. There was one 8am Bio class my sophomore year though that I didn't show up to between the first and second midterms...good thing my buddy IM'd me the night before and reminded me to go the next day, or that class would've been F for sure.
darbypitcher22I did on Tuesday morning, but that was because I was up from 12-5:30 am sick and I had 8am class.... I went ahead and said screw it... but I haven't skipped too many over the years. Coach kept real close tabs on attendance. I've missed for games, Dr. appt's and whatnot, but because I blatently skipped? not too many
SageI cut classes I don't have respect for, which is about 60% of them. I try to care about college--but it's getting harder by the day. May have something to do with my budding drug addictions.
stroupsI skipped a bunch my freshman and sophmore years and I came back to bit me in the butt. Unless your extremely motivated outside of class I would say go and try to pay attention. It might be funny to skip some classes and get drunk but eventually it will come back to screw you unless you put extra work.
Most professors don't care if you don't go to class but they also have no problem with failing you either. -
Tim TebowI pry skip at least once or twice per week and have made it this far just fine.
I graduate December 19th! Crazy stuff.