Embarrasing facebook status...
I was laughing out loud -
power iExactly why I don't have facebook. I would ultimately do something really stupid like that and totally humiliate myself and my entire family.
dlazzstupid old people on facebook.
THE4RINGZI hate it when I bang some bich and she runs her mouth like that all over FB.
gerb131Good stuff. Not a bad looking older model either.
Upper90I take it she's either not really engaged, or she won't be for much longer?
At least she called you "strong and powerful."THE4RINGZ wrote: I hate it when I bang some bich and she runs her mouth like that all over FB. -
THE4RINGZBecause that's how I do it. She ain't lying.
se-alumI sure hope Michael is the guy she's engaged to!
Manhattan BuckeyePeople are so weird on facebook. In the last few weeks I've probably seen a handful of posts by people griping about all of the 'controversial' or 'political' posts on their wall and threatening to de-friend people. In every single one of these cases the people griping are the ones that always post the biggest 'controversial' or 'political' posts. There must be a new moon or something in the water recently.
j_crazymy other pussy? is there 2?
Yeah, my first thought was, "wow, she took it in the butt pussy". I mean, if you put it there enough it all feels the same. BP Tuesdays are great.j_crazy wrote: my other pussy? is there 2?
But as I read more, it seems maybe dude was just stuck playing with the house cat for awhile and finally got her drunk enough to give it up. I feel bad for the guy because if he had to work THAT hard to nail a girl THAT stupid...... -
It's called the asshole!j_crazy wrote: my other pussy? is there 2? -
da poopahj_crazy wrote: my other pussy? is there 2? -
Upper90"I hope this message doesn't scare you off"
Done. -
enigmaaxSurprisingly, this girl isn't accepting friend requests from the general public.
RedRider1This link from last fall says it was hacked by 4chan.....scroll to the comments.
http://mashable.com/2009/08/22/embarrassing-facebook/ -
karen lotz
darbypitcher22wow the one on the top of this page is great
Might as well post the real deal.justincredible wrote:
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=sgm&id=100000201130207 -
Glory Dayshaha wow, she went super private. cant see anything, send her a message or even request to be her friend.