
Who's Seeing Hot Tub Time Machine?

  • dazedconfused
    i know i am lol. it looks ridiculous and i'm prepared to set 10 dollars on fire to see it for the 1 hour and 40 minutes of mindless entertainment that a movie about a hot tub time machine will provide
  • hoops23
    I probably will.

    Love there commercial where it proclaims to be "The 1st 2D event of the year"...

    I love it because this 3D shit is being waaaay overdone and none of it is truly 3D.
  • trackandccrunner
    I will and LTrain I laugh at that everytime.
  • j_crazy
    I'm going to see she's out of my league
  • se-alum
    Just watch She's Out of My League on, they have a pretty good copy. It's one of those movies that was good the first time, and will get better the more you watch it.

    I laugh at the preview of HTTM when they say HTTM and Craig Robinson gives that look. The cast is good, the premise is ridiculous though. With that being said, I will watch it.
  • trackandccrunner
    She's out of my league wasn't as great as I thought it would be. Ch131 has a good version of it id watch it online and save yourself the 8 bucks haha.
  • Sage
    Outta My League looks funny. So does Death at a Funeral.
  • rugbywrestler
    trackandccrunner wrote: She's out of my league wasn't as great as I thought it would be. Ch131 has a good version of it id watch it online and save yourself the 8 bucks haha.
    Exactly what I did, love the line "Go shit in your hand"
  • Upper90
    I'll go see Hot Tub Time Machine...I like that it wears it's ridiculousness on it's sleeve. I kind of think that's awesome.
  • lhslep134
    The only reason I'm seeing HTTM in theaters and not online is I prepare to be extremely high with my friends to make it even funnier. Can't wait for the midnight showing.
  • McFly1955
    I think the scenes with Crispin Glover (George Mcfly) seem hilarious...Watch the youtube featurette about Crispin's character if you don't know what I'm talking about, I LOLed.....


    In the future, he only has 1 arm, when they are in the past, he has both arms, and is a very high risk stunt type of person....So everytime they are around him he seems to be doing something to put his arm in danger, and they are always thinking that 'this is it, this is how he lost his arm'.
  • BoatShoes
    I will be seeing this film sure to be recognized by the Academy
  • bigdaddy2003
    So did anyone watch this yet?
  • stationrun
    My 17 year old son saw it today, said it was ok, funny in spots, but nothing special.