I don't want to ruin the surprise
sherm03I want to get my girl a puppy for Christmas this year. We've been talking about getting one for awhile, but I don't know if she's ready for a dog yet.
So how do I go about finding out if she's ready to get a dog without blowing the surprise? -
SageBreak up with your girlfriend, because girlfriends are for fags.
Hmm... wait... they're for... I don't... just a second... huh?Sage wrote: Break up with your girlfriend, because girlfriends are for fags. -
saltoTake a crap on the carpet and see if she rubs your nose in it.
Tim Tebow
This.salto wrote: Take a crap on the carpet and see if she rubs your nose in it. -
jpake1What do you mean 'ready' for it? Are you talking about the responsibility of actually taking care of it (feeding, walking, bathing, etc), or the financial responsibilities that come with owning a dog? In the sense that you doubt she's ready for that. Or do you just mean you aren't sure if she's ready to actually pull the trigger. If it's the latter, I suggest just getting it. Whether she's ready or not, the first time she see's a little puppy, she'll be all about it.
jpake1There really is no good way to find out. It's about that time of the year that she'll easily pick up on it no matter how sly you are. Just do it.
I know that financially we can handle it, and with my new job it makes things a lot easier to train the dog and give a puppy the attention he needs. I just don't know if she's ready to pull the trigger. -
brutus161Lick you own crotch, and see if it grosses her out.
saltoSherm, go get a puppy at PAWS in Urbana. These guys do a great job, are "No Kill" animal shelter and are in desperate need of support.
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH134.html -
SageAlso, can we just put the kabosh on these relationship threads before they get out of hand?
I mean, we're not your girlfriend, bro. We're not you. In fact, we don't know anything other than your perspective that you've told us on this forum.
How are we supposed to make a decision again?
And if a mob of anonymous web posters is a Guiding Light in your life.... yea. -
darbypitcher22you might as well just spring it on her. Then she's got no choice but to either love it or hate it
If Sherm could do that, he'd never have time to huddle.brutus161 wrote: Lick you own crotch, and see if it grosses her out. -
Well done! LOL!ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote:
If Sherm could do that, he'd never have time to huddle.brutus161 wrote: Lick you own crotch, and see if it grosses her out. -
Or need a girlfriendZWICK 4 PREZ wrote:
If Sherm could do that, he'd never have time to huddle.brutus161 wrote: Lick you own crotch, and see if it grosses her out. -
jpake1What kind of dog do you plan on getting anyways? I'd suggest going to a breeder though.
sherm03Planning on getting a Shih Tzu...actually found this little guy and I think she'd love him...
jpake1Get her a siberian husky with blue eyes! She'll love you looong time.
GoChiefsKnock her up...have a baby...if the child survives a year...she's ready for the responsibilities of a puppy.
If that's what you think she'd like, you might as well break up with her. Otherwise you'll end up married and forced to choose between sleeping on the couch or in a bed with 48 throw pillows on it.sherm03 wrote: Planning on getting a Shih Tzu...actually found this little guy and I think she'd love him...
Also, the dog will be dressed nicer than you. -
You mean..like this?jpake1 wrote: Get her a siberian husky with blue eyes! She'll love you looong time.
Of course..then the pup will grow up..and this will happen
That'll really piss you off! -
You call that a dog? You might as well buy a damn cat.sherm03 wrote: Planning on getting a Shih Tzu...actually found this little guy and I think she'd love him...
v_falconsawww that dog is cute, but looks a lil evil.
Crimson_Streakshih tzus are a pain in the ass my g/f has 2 of them and there hyper and dont listen. get a husky there awesome dogs
tcarrier32i have a siberian husky lab mix and it looks like a wolf. good for scaring off the neighbor kids.