
Having trouble finding a girlfriend? If so get a Nintendo DS.......

  • Fab1b
    Virtual dating game, LOL!!
    Ok, this is pretty embarrassing. The DS has a mic and a touchscreen, so... one time, she asked me to say 'I love you' a hundred times into the mic. I was on the airplane when she asked me that, so I was like, no way. There was also this part where you have to hold her hand on the touchscreen. If you touch her hand with the stylus, you get to hold her hand. And then there's the part where you have to kiss her.
  • Tim Tebow
    The good thing is, when you get tired of having to listen to her complain for hours upon hours, you can just shut turn the thing off!
  • darbypitcher22
    Jesus.... even I'm not that desparate....
  • Tim Tebow
    But, how exactly do you "make love" to her?? using the stylus? hahahha
  • Fab1b
    You have to buy the adaptor, LOL
  • Nate
    Does the adapter come in one size fits all? Cause I may need a bigger adapter. :-D