A couple from Ohio was driving thru Pennsylvania and the guy saw a full service gas station sign. He figures he'll fill up so he pulls into the station and the gas station attendant comes out and says "you wanna fill her up?" The woman says "huh, what did he say?" The man says "he asked if I want him to fill the tank up". She says "oh. ok". The man tells him ya fill it up and the gas station attendant starts pumping the gas. While filling up the attendant asks if he wants him to check the fluid levels? The woman again says "huh, what did he say?" and the guy says "he asks if we want him to check the fluid levels". woman again says "oh,ok". The attendant says "I see u guys are from Ohio.. I dated a girl from ohio once.. she was the worst piece of ass I ever had" .. the woman again says "huh, what did he say?".. the man replies.. "nothing... he thinks he knows you."