
Yep...another rookie j 70 relationship adice thread

  • ohiotiger33
    Sleeper has some of the best advice on here, actually.

    I think she may not be that into you and uses that statement to make it seem like she doesn't want to be in a relationship, or now views you only as a friend (the dreaded "friend zone").
  • hasbeen
    Sleeper has a great post. I'm a big fan of option 2. I always give girls the opportunity to show interest and text me. If we got 3 days without texting, I'll text them something stupid, then after the conversation is over(if she doesn't mention hanging out) I'll stop again until she texts me.

    I hate ALWAYS having initiative so I give them the opportunity.
  • Fly4Fun
    Of Sleeper's two options... the latter is the better in my opinion. You get to find out where you stand quicker and move on if need be.
  • darbypitcher22
    Sleeper has given some real good advice. Go with that.
  • Fab1b
    Just get her preggo!!
  • rookie_j70
    ^ cant do that

    my dad has alwayas told me "the fucking you got, aint worth the fucking you'll get"
  • Gblock
    dont tell her ....ever....just kick it w her and have fun and catch her when shes trashed...try next wednesday on st is one of several days of the year we have the upper hand
  • Fab1b
    Or like Gblock refers to and also Chef from South Park says:
    "Just get em good and drunk children"
  • Gblock
    (DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE LEGAL ADVICE)....also banging one of her not too close friends never hurt