
Which magazines do you subscribe to?

    for me its

    Golf Digest
    Golf Magazine
    Controls Engineering
  • september63
    12 reads and no replies. I better reply to keep ur self esteem up!! Im quite surprised you dont subscribe to Hedonism II. LOL
  • GoChiefs
    4x4 & Offroad
    Some sales catalogs
    Sports Illustrated
    NASCAR Illustrated
  • gorocks99
    None, reading is for suckers.
  • darbypitcher22
    Sports Illustrated
    Baseball Express
    Baseball Digest
  • karen lotz
    is eastbay a subscription?

  • stationrun
    Sporting News
    Running Times
  • Fab1b
    None, my Playboy just ended and I am not renewing
  • se-alum
    Budget Travel
  • hasbeen
    Rolling Stone
  • goldengonzo
    Just Sports Illustrated, and that was after probably a 3 year break. I felt like only watching ESPN only provided me with one angle and and only highlighted certain athletes/teams.

    After subscribing to Rolling Stone for about 6 years, I gave it up about a year ago. It's about as thin as a pamphlet, way too liberal and barely covers any cutting edge stories anymore. Every other issue just seemed to be a list of "The Greatest."
  • september63
    Why would anyone subscribe to any mags, you can get 90% of their content online?
  • GoChiefs
    september63 wrote: Why would anyone subscribe to any mags, you can get 90% of their content online?
    B/c my desktop computer is a little too big to be taking into the shitter.
  • Fab4Runner
    None but I'd like to get Esquire. We used to at work and I miss reading it.
  • goldengonzo
    september63 wrote: Why would anyone subscribe to any mags, you can get 90% of their content online?
    Much like the reason I like reading a print newspaper, I am much more focused on the reading when done off-line. I also pay attention to the whole paper/magazine, exposing me to a lot more, as to just reading the one story of interest.

    When I'm on the internet, I'm usually distracted by about 1000 other things and quite honestly I don't enjoy spending hours upon hours infront of a screen.
  • se-alum
    september63 wrote: Why would anyone subscribe to any mags, you can get 90% of their content online?
    Cause my nieces are always selling them for school, so I buy them.
  • El Jefe Grande
    The Week
    The Economist
    AOPA Flight Training
  • Polar Bear 73
    Golf Digest
    Reader's Digest
    National Geographic
    National Guard Magazine
    Buckeye Guard
    Military Officers Association Magazine
  • sportswizuhrd
    GoChiefs wrote:
    september63 wrote: Why would anyone subscribe to any mags, you can get 90% of their content online?
    B/c my desktop computer is a little too big to be taking into the shitter.
    This. Same reason why I dont check my mail until I have to take a shit.

    I am surprised we dont have any subscribers to Ohio High Magazine here.

    Sports Illustrated
    Sporting News
    ESPN(since ish 1)
    I have been meaning to subscribe to Blender and Slam but keep putting it off.
  • stroups
    Golf Digest
  • I Wear Pants
    Does Eurosport count?
  • BRF
  • killer_ewok
    All About Beer
  • wildcats20
    Men's Health
    Maxim - And I have no idea how I got it. I got it in the mail one day with a free Pepsi Max and I have never paid for it.
  • cat_lover
    Sports Illustrated