
Jessica Simpson sex video?

  • homefield
    My wife told me that she heard on tv that a video of jessica simpson is being shopped around the internet for sale and and it was made by her
    ex-boyfriend a while ago.Has anyone else heard anything about this?
    I am sure that it will be worth millions.
  • dwccrew
    Only if it is before she put the extra pounds on.
  • jordo212000
    Nah didn't hear anything about this. Are you sure it wasn't just the news that John Mayer was saying she was a freak in the sack?
  • homefield
    I am sure she is not talking about what john mayer said but i am not sure if she heard correctly about the video.She said that jessica's dad was complaining about it and thought it was wrong for someone to profit from his daughter in such a cheap way.
  • krambman
    homefield wrote: I am sure she is not talking about what john mayer said but i am not sure if she heard correctly about the video.She said that jessica's dad was complaining about it and thought it was wrong for someone to profit from his daughter in such a cheap way.
    That's because he thinks that he's the only one who should profit from his daughters.
  • karen lotz
    Link/Pics or GTFO
  • rugbywrestler
    karen lotz wrote: Link/Pics or GTFO
    I agree
  • Be Nice
    It's one she made with Lindsay Lohan a few years back and yes, Lindsay's hand was low.
  • Apple
    ^^^who would've guessed Jessica and Lindsey rollerbladed together?!?!?
  • ohiobucks1
    I'd watch
  • noreply66
    Heard her say on tv that she wouldn't want anyone see how she is in bed
  • thedynasty1998
    I'd pay to see it!
    I would add that one to my collection for sure.
  • Pup
    I wouldn't be too mad if someone found this and dropped me a pm.
  • This_DJ_3
    lol me either!!
  • Upper90
    If I ever get famous (unlikely), I will never film myself doing anything with anyone ever.

    I'll gladly send people nude camera phone pics, though. There's no harm in that.
  • Little Danny
    I am really bothered by this video. I asked Jessica not to bring in the darn camera (ba-da-dum).

    Seriously, if there is a video, please send a link for intellectual purposes.
  • End of Line
    Meh, I'd watch.
  • j_crazy
    if i get ahold of it, it will be buried in the bowels of my pc. like some other infamous sess/nude tapes of the past.