I was recently presented with a raise/promotion for my current job. It's only about a 7% increase in pay, but my title will change and I'll have some new responsibilities. Anywho...this was a total suprise, as I'm not 100% satisfied with my current occupation. Before this, I was pretty sure that I would not finish out the year in this position, and probably take a leap of faith and move to Chicago come this fall. Now, 7% may not be a lot but I've only worked this position since June 2008, and if I take the promotion, it would mark my second since I started working here and about a 20% increase in pay since then.
I don't have a job lined up for Chicago, but my roommate from college lives there (among other friends and family), and we may be able to room together when his current lease is up (September/October). I LOVE Chicago. I can definitely see myself living there for the rest of my life. However, I do lack job experience and the job market is pretty tough as it is. My current apartment lease is up in August, so I'd be moving after that. That gives me a few months to land a job before my friend and I would sign for a new lease come October.
My dilemma...if I take the promotion, I'll get locked into working in my department for another 12 months. I can quit, however I cannot move to a different department until that 12 months has been satisfied. My company has local offices in Chi, but they are for different departments and I cannot transfer there. I took a raise last September and got locked into the 12 month "post out" rule at that time, so I can't even do any transfers to other departments until at least September this year. Basically, If I take the promo now my pay increases and the 12 month post out extends until March 2011.
Option 1: Take the promo/raise, stay in my current job until March 2011 and post out to something else (great company, just my department isn't the best...). My new job title and responsibilities would help better my skills and qualifications for future positions.
Option 2: Take the promo/raise, stay in job until my current lease is up and still move to Chi with no job guarantees. Use the promo as a resume builder and motivation to find a job I actually like!
Option 3: Do nothing, stay in current role and just move to Chicago (Most moral or ethical option). Decline raise so company can give it to someone who may have long term plans with the position
Option 4: Physical Challenge!
No real Option 4, just always wanted to go on Double Dare....