Bring your child to work.
El Jefe GrandeThis kid is a badass.
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gorocks99Parenting FAIL
BCBulldogCan't wait for bring your brat to work day in the Senate. They may actually get something usefull passed like vending machine reform or mandatory afternoon naps. One thing's for sure, recess will way more fun than before.
Big_Mirg_ZHSthats great there. His dad was right there, and it was just runway postioning. Im not upset about this at all.
zambrownThat was awesome! Adios, Amigo!
tk421Yeah, I bet that kid's father gets fired. The FAA isn't a very understanding fun group.
Scarlet_BuckeyeTake your kid to work day is one very small piece of the puzzle that has helped to create a lot of people losing their jobs. Companies are getting smart that Millions of people are wasting time while on the clock surfing the internet, loafing, smoke breaks, personal phone calls, texting, etc. There has been so much down time and jobs have been cut. Companies are realizing that the same amount of work is getting done with a fraction of the work force and we are all now reaping the repercusions.