
Game Value

  • chs_redskins
    can you give me a link to a site where they estimate or something the amount of money you would get if you sell a used game to like a store like game stop.
  • GoChiefs
    I'd imagine that would all depend on the game and the store..I doubt there is a 'price guide'..b/c the price that they give you if it is a newer game will be very low. This isn't a price guide to what stores will give you..but it gives you an idea of maybe the cost of some games.

    Here's one that you have to register for..but you get a free trial.
  • Trueblue23
    GameStop is the biggest scam in the world.
  • Eric Taylor
    GameStop is a scam, no doubt about that.
  • Trueblue23
    I recently bought the new Army of Two game, which was 60 bucks. After I beat it I figured I would get atleast 25-30 out of it at GameStop, fuck no.. 16 whole dollars. Damn.
  • chs_redskins
    well how much do you think i'll get for Madden 2010 and NBA 2k10? Both for the Xbox 360
  • GoChiefs
    I wouldn't expect anymore than 20 bucks a best.
  • Trueblue23
    GoChiefs wrote: I wouldn't expect anymore than 20 bucks a best.
    I'd say 20 for both.