
Worst restaurant in Ohio! Which one...

  • Be Nice
    had the worst service and foulest tasting food you ever had?
  • End of Line
    Ohio Deli has great food but, the service is horrible.
  • Be Nice
    The Legacy Inn just outside of Glanville, Ohio. It was shut down in 2006.
  • dlazz
    PJ's is really awesome when you're drunk, but very...very...well it sucks when you're sober.
  • End of Line
    dlazz wrote: PJ's is really awesome when you're drunk, but very...very...well it sucks when you're sober.
    yeah it does, no wonder it's called the home of the drunk.
  • cview
    dlazz wrote: PJ's is really awesome when you're drunk, but very...very...well it sucks when you're sober.
  • Go_Fast_Sports
    Worst food ever = Golden Corral in Belden Village...
    Worst service ever = Ichiban in Belden Village...and Spaghetti Warehouse in Akron.
  • visionquest
    Absolutely phenomenal food at The Deep Cut in Old Washington, Ohio...but, the worst service of all time of anywhere I've ever been. I will say that the food better be awesome, which it is, because it will take a while to get it. They have 1 cook serving over 50 to 60 people in there sometimes. That cook makes each dinner one at a time. I've gotten in there and ordered at 6, only to get my food at 8.
  • BigAppleBuckeye
    Go_Fast_Sports wrote: Worst food ever = Golden Corral in Belden Village...
    Worst service ever = Ichiban in Belden Village...and Spaghetti Warehouse in Akron.
    Agreed about Golden Corral! The one I went to (a long time ago, maybe 15 years ago) was in Columbus. The food was AWFUL, but what made it worse was the 99% completely fat-assed customers charging the counter like a bull rush. Just a rancid place.
  • Belly35
    I would never eat at a Buffet type restaurant… just my rule ….. been there did it …..never again

    Worst food in Canton….Leno’s Family Restaurant … everything is out of a can or box or jar
    Worst service .....I would have to agree with Go_Fast_Sport .....Spaghetti Warehouse in Akron good call Go_Fast_Sport
  • assumption
    Any restaurant that has morning deliverys from the likes of Gordons food. Any idiot could be the head "CHEF" at these places.
  • swamisez
    Chubby's Diner in Marietta Ohio.

    Had to take the cake. Served you on plates that looked like they came out of your grandpa's kitchen. Filthy environment. Cook smoked when cooking, drinks were warm cans of soda with those sketch plastic cups you would find at a Big Boy in 1970.

    Did I mention there were a few bullet holes in the window, and the regulars were meth heads.

    Good times.
  • 4cards
    ...NO DOUBT
    The worst food was at a place called Mark Pi's China Gate in Boardman, OH. We went to eat there and as they sat our food down infront of us, a cockroach came crawling out of the rice.......yuck!

    The place is now closed (no small wonder)!