
PSN Network down/messed up

  • imex99
    Better keep that ice for your Bung-hole after these pirates steal your gold and the "W"
  • TBone14
    imex99 wrote: Better keep that ice for your Bung-hole after these pirates steal your gold and the "W"
    LoL. I'm a bit confused. At what point when your team is stealing our goal and victory from us, will you doing something that needs us to ice down our 'bungholes'. Don't tell me you have a team of...(wait for it)....ass pirates. HEY OH!.
  • patriots34
    I heard that the PS3 is going to eventually charge for their online play is that true?
  • hoops23
    patriots34 wrote: I heard that the PS3 is going to eventually charge for their online play is that true?
    Sony is thinking about adding some premium services to the PSN.. Online gaming would remain free, but there would be other options such as online storage for game saves, unlimited access to PS1 classics and PS2 downloads I believe..

    Among other features...

    None of this matters though, the ApocalyPS3 is among us.
  • Soda Popinski
    I'll just leave this here.

  • Free_is_better
    i lol'd at 1:32

    "they are taking all of my kind"
  • bases_loaded
    Any updates on this?
  • TBone14
    Yea any updates? Haven't been home at all to check on it.
  • BORIStheCrusher
    I still can't get on.
  • BCBulldog
    Sony could have just signed its death warrant with this. If they can't find a way to fix this with a download and have to send out firmware patches on disc, it will cost them millions.
  • bases_loaded
    BCBulldog wrote: Sony could have just signed its death warrant with this. If they can't find a way to fix this with a download and have to send out firmware patches on disc, it will cost them millions.
    Sending out a firmware disk to patch it will alot better than dicking the customer over and charging them $100 plus shipping to fix a cooling fan like Microsoft did.
  • imex99

    Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

    As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.

    We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

    Errors include:

    * The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.
    * When the user tries to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the following
    message appears on the screen; “An error has occurred. You have been
    signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)”.
    * When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears
    on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; “Failed to install
    trophies. Please exit your game.”
    * When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the
    Internet, the following message appears on the screen; “The current date
    and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”
    * Users are not able to play back certain rental video downloaded from the
    PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

    We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

    As mentioned above, please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    For the latest status on this situation please continue to check either the PlayStation.Blog or
  • ohiotiger33
    Yeah a death warrant? I am sure they will figure it out in the next 5-10 hours or so. And I won't have paid a dime; can't say that for my buddy who has lost 3 X-box's.
  • BCBulldog
    You are all assuming this is 1. fixable within the next few hours and 2. not going to cost people all of their trophies, rankings, etc.

    What if it does? What if these machines are dead in the water for a week or two until people get their patches? They are already losing money on the PS3. A blow like this could be crippling.
  • ohiotiger33
    They said they hope to fix it within 24 hours and have pinpointed the problems. I don't really care about trophies, but I guess some people would be mad?

    I still don't see how this is that bad, as it isn't going to cost me money to fix. Hell, probably good for people to step away from their systems if losing it for a day or so upsets you this much.
  • UANyg
    i'm playing cod online with my fat ps3. is that weird?
  • wes_mantooth
    I just flipped the PS3 on and tried to play is still down here.
  • BCBulldog
    ohiotiger33 wrote: They said they hope to fix it within 24 hours and have pinpointed the problems. I don't really care about trophies, but I guess some people would be mad?

    I still don't see how this is that bad, as it isn't going to cost me money to fix. Hell, probably good for people to step away from their systems if losing it for a day or so upsets you this much.
    Knowing what the problem is and hoping for a fix in 24 hours is a lot different than knowing how to fix it and releasing the fix in 24 hours. They just crashed 40 million systems with this blunder. That will definitely affect consumer confidence. Add into it the loss of records and you could have some really fired up gamer geeks.

    It doesn't bother me one bit, I don't own one. Not my thing. I just see the guys I work with kinda freaking out and am reading about the potential fallout if this isn't fixed soon. I guess we'll wait and see. Maybe it is just another Hawaiian tsunami.
  • I Wear Pants
    This is a big blunder for Sony. Microsoft took a ton of flack in the gaming community when their service went down for a while and there wasn't even the potential for data loss their, just not xbox live. You could still use the system.

    Expect Sony to give away a free PSN game at least (the type that are like XBLA games) to try to win back confidence.
  • wes_mantooth
    I Wear Pants wrote: This is a big blunder for Sony. Microsoft took a ton of flack in the gaming community when their service went down for a while and there wasn't even the potential for data loss their, just not xbox live. You could still use the system.

    Expect Sony to give away a free PSN game at least (the type that are like XBLA games) to try to win back confidence.
    Yeah, I look for them to offer something like Warhawk for free.
    wow this sucks. I wonder why I kept getting kicked from Madden the other day. oh well time to play some Halo.
  • Soda Popinski
    bases_loaded wrote:
    BCBulldog wrote: Sony could have just signed its death warrant with this. If they can't find a way to fix this with a download and have to send out firmware patches on disc, it will cost them millions.
    Sending out a firmware disk to patch it will alot better than dicking the customer over and charging them $100 plus shipping to fix a cooling fan like Microsoft did.
    I didn't pay anything to have my X-box fixed.
  • KnightXC1
    I tried earlier and it still was down. I won't be that upset if I lose some of the trophies I have, but I will be more upset if my saved game data for the games I play is gone.
  • ohiotiger33
    I agree. If saved game data is all gone, people will be pretty pissed lol.
  • ohiotiger33
    It is back. They did a nice job fixing this much faster than even I thought.

    All trophy and save data is fine as well. Nice job Sony on fixing this F-up in just over 24 hours!