
I70 West is the most boring drive in ohio

  • Speedofsand
    One of my dad's friends owns Shenandoah Truck Stop on I-70 just east of Cambridge.
    Good honest hardworking folks and expert towing and mechanics there.
  • slide22
    Roads in Ohio aren't near as bad as the ones through Indiana. Atleast in Ohio we have some hills and major cities... Indiana is like Northern Ohio... except the whole state. Outside of Indianapolis, there isn't much. Drive from Central Ohio through Cincinnati to Bloomington is the worst.
  • End of Line
    I-70 east from Columbus to Wheeling is boring..............
  • friendfromlowry
    Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but 77-south down towards Marietta is a nice drive. Only made it once, but definitely a change of scenery from the rest of flat Ohio.
    As for boring, any part of I70, especially west of Columbus...and anything leading into Bowling Green.
  • ts1227
    Ohio Turnpike in western Ohio is the worst drive there is in terms of boredom

    70 is pretty bad too west of Columbus.

    Overall though, Ohio interstate drives aren't that bad... I-80 in PA and I-40 after Raleigh in NC make the above mentioned look action packed!
  • dlazz
    23 between Findlay and Columbus is the worst drive I've ever made.
  • NOL fan
    though, one thing that's nice about Ohio is that most of the time you can actually see the fields and houses around you. Some of the most boring stretches of interstate I've been on were ones with nothing but trees on either side, and no mountains or hills either. I65 in Alabama is one place I remember driving through several long stretches like that

    also, if you want a real bring drive, try Dallas to El Paso on 20 and 10. Nothing but never ending desert spotted with oil wells and maybe a town every 25 miles or so
  • CenterBHSFan
    149 from Bellaire to Glencoe, and then rt.5 to rt.9 to St.C is pretty caustic.
  • ManO'War
    I70 has to have more trucks per capita than any highway I've ever been on.
  • RedRider1
    US 30 from the other side of Mansfield to I-75 is in this discussion....90 minutes of flat boredom. Worst part of the trip when we drive down to Eldora.
  • krazie45
    I-71 between Columbus and Cincy.......there is nothing
  • ohiotiger33
    Drove from C-bus to clemson today on 33/then 77.

  • Go_Fast_Sports
    Try going Rt 36 to 16 to 161 from I-77 to Columbus... you literally can top any car out on 90% of that trip... mostly straightaways and no cops.
  • fortfan
    I drive that to St. Louis occasionally. I make sure I have my MP3 loaded-the only good thing about it is the 70 MPH speed limit in some parts of Indiana.
  • cbus4life
    The fiance has been in graduate school at UofM for the last 2 years, while i've been in grad school/working here in Columbus.

    Done the drive up 23 to 75 so many times i've lost count. It sucks.