
Guys, when did you start losing your hair?

  • mattinctown
    Almost 35 and have been very lucky with no receding hairline and no visible gray........yet
  • Go_Fast_Sports
    22.. thinned out over the next 4 years.. finally shaved it at 25-ish... and actually like it better shaved than I did with hair! The girls love it too! It's a win win scenario!
  • Strapping Young Lad
    derek bomar wrote: lol, yea i've been using it for about 6 months now, and i have stopped losing, tho the re-growth isn't as noticeable, but I think I can see a little coming back... Basically, you have to get on it when you first start to thin, because once you lose it all, it's gone

    Have you tried it on the front part, your hairline, or are you just using it on your crown????

    I know it says it only works on the crown, but, ever try it for the hairline????
  • gobucks
    59 and a full head of hair. started graying around 50
  • ytownfootball
    Losing?...hell I'm getting more where I don't want it! And no...not on my back :)
  • bs1234
    This thread is worthless without pics.
  • dcrocks
    Early 20s...I'm gonna miss it.
  • chicago510
    21 and still got a full head.

    Hopefully it will last another 21 years
  • BuckeyeBlue
    26 now with a full head of hair and no gray yet (knock on wood). I'll think about shaving my hair when I start going bald though. It would make life easier being in the military though. No doubt if your hair is in standards if you don't have any.
  • Ghmothwdwhso
    Never, "lost my hair", it just gradually moved down to my back and ass.
  • Curly J
    I was 22 when my Dad noticed it and said I ought to look into Rogain. I told him I had time. Boy was I wrong. It just stared getting worse and I was trying to grow my mullet back after 4 years in the Military.

    I started shaving my head in 1997 when the barber started charging me a finder's fee. It was a bad time to start shaving my head because everyone thought I was a "skinhead" or had Cancer since no one was doing it back then.

    The gray didn't hit me until I got 40, and then it was mostly in my Goat...which I have removed too as of late.

    Look what all you youngin's have that will happen to ya in the future. (batting my gums)