
Do dogs have more rights than humans?

  • johngrizzly
  • j_crazy
    certainly more than you.

  • coyotes22
  • FatHobbit
    johngrizzly wrote: Thoughts?
    My thought is you probably have a reason for asking this, but it's not really clear what you're looking for.

    So I guess, no they don't. :huh:
  • Gardens35
    Yes. Read the Constitution.
  • Con_Alma
    More? No.
  • MrPoke
    Wasn't there a thread on the old huddle about a guy who got a year in jail for killing a police dog and a guy who got 6 months in jail for manslaughter?
  • Con_Alma
    That doesn't mean one species has more rights than another!
  • power i
    We are in the process of getting a puppy. I would really like to rescue and have found a few that I feel would be a good fit with our family. The adoption process is crazy. Both were 3 page applications. I understand that they want to make sure these dogs go to good homes, and I understand checking with your vet, but they also want 3 personal references and an essay on why you want this dog. We've been approved through 2 rescues but someone got the dogs we wanted first. So...back to the drawing board.

    The doggy in my avatar was one we were trying to get and I got the call last night someone else got her first. Guess I'd better change it. :(
  • queencitybuckeye
    MrPoke wrote: Wasn't there a thread on the old huddle about a guy who got a year in jail for killing a police dog and a guy who got 6 months in jail for manslaughter?
    Frankly, depending on the circumstances, I don't necessarily have a problem with this.
  • LJ
    MrPoke wrote: Wasn't there a thread on the old huddle about a guy who got a year in jail for killing a police dog and a guy who got 6 months in jail for manslaughter?
    If that were the case (which I don't doubt) police dogs are sworn officers, so if you kill a police dog you are not killing a dog, you are killing a police officer. Of course you aren't going to get the same sentence as killing a person, but you are going to get a much stricter sentence than your typical animal cruelty.

    The guy who shot Bosco is charged with 3 counts (I believe) of attempted murder on an officer (1 bullet hit the officer, 2 hit the dog)

    But do dogs have more rights than humans? Well there are a few ways to look at that. The first answer would be a profound "no" but when you dig deeper into it there are many parallels. Animal cruelty= child abuse. Vet hospitals operate way more efficiently than people hospitals. My gf is absolutely appalled at how long they are taking to get my dad's Kidney out. She said in the vet hospital after finding the mass the Kidney would have been gone the next day. Not with people though! Or how about you can euthanize a dog to end their suffering but not a human? Is that more of a right or less of a right?

    Or how about the woman who bitched and bitched about the Licking County Animal Shelter. So they have a janitor who takes the dead dogs (euthanized) to the incinerator every night. He has a big cart that he stacks the dogs on to take them over and he is an older man (mid 50's I think they said). Anyways, his cart broke and they had a new one on order, but the dogs were too heavy for him to carry. So he tied a rope around multiple DEAD dogs and drug them across a courtyard to the incinerator. This woman pitched a fit screaming animal cruelty and finally got an investigation going. Seriously?
  • UA5straightin2008
    how does a dog take an oath?
  • LJ
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: how does a dog take an oath?
    I dunno, barks?

    They do it because the dogs cost the taxpayers upwards of $30,000 each. I think it also has to do with the catching of criminals (Ohio dog bite laws)
  • UA5straightin2008
    got it, i never knew that did that...interesting
  • LJ
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: got it, i never knew that did that...interesting
    Word. Bosco has a badge that he would wear on his doggie vest anytime he was on duty.

    That dog is such a freakin riot. It was always funny to watch him dragging a student down the hallway so he could get to the food room :D
  • tcarrier32
    power i wrote: We are in the process of getting a puppy. I would really like to rescue and have found a few that I feel would be a good fit with our family. The adoption process is crazy. Both were 3 page applications. I understand that they want to make sure these dogs go to good homes, and I understand checking with your vet, but they also want 3 personal references and an essay on why you want this dog. We've been approved through 2 rescues but someone got the dogs we wanted first. So...back to the drawing board.

    The doggy in my avatar was one we were trying to get and I got the call last night someone else got her first. Guess I'd better change it. :(
    that really does suck. my roommate and i adopted a dog from licking county. we walked in payed 82 dollars, signed a few forms and walked out with him that day.
  • LJ
    power i wrote: We are in the process of getting a puppy. I would really like to rescue and have found a few that I feel would be a good fit with our family. The adoption process is crazy. Both were 3 page applications. I understand that they want to make sure these dogs go to good homes, and I understand checking with your vet, but they also want 3 personal references and an essay on why you want this dog. We've been approved through 2 rescues but someone got the dogs we wanted first. So...back to the drawing board.

    The doggy in my avatar was one we were trying to get and I got the call last night someone else got her first. Guess I'd better change it. :(
    Capital Area Humane Society?
  • ksig489
    Ask Michael Vick.
  • LJ
    ksig489 wrote: Ask Michael Vick.
    A lot of his sentence came from commerce laws. The fact that he killed dogs in violating these laws made his sentence more harsh.
  • hasbeen
    We've saved two of our 3 pups. Eli, the first one, we had to fill out forms. They came and checked out our house and us. They asked questions. My dad went with it and let the shit happen even though he was annoyed by the borderline insulting questions (to him), until they asked one question: "When would you deem it necessary to put your dog to sleep?" We had just put our other dog down about 6 months prior which was why we were looking for another dog. My dad got real mad at this question. He stood up and told the lady that "I'd put the dog down when she couldn't jump up on the couch to sit next to us. Or when she can't jump up to greet us at the door anymore. When I have to carry her up the stairs into her bed. I'd put her down when her life is too hard on her and we can't fix it."

    Then he walked out. The lady was kind of aghast because my dad isn't the "nicest" person when he gets upset.

    Those people have really good intentions and I respect what they do, but some of the things they require can really piss you off.
  • tk421
    That's way to much work just to adopt a freaking dog. I'd never let anyone check out our house just for a pet.
  • hasbeen
    tk421 wrote: That's way to much work just to adopt a freaking dog. I'd never let anyone check out our house just for a pet.
    I'd do it all over again. I love my dog.
  • NNN
    I'm going to guess that this thread is some absurdly late way of bitching about Michael Vick serving more prison time than Donte Stallworth, which will get a bunch of obtuse individuals who have never had a coherent thought in their lives to say "Yeah, right on!" and people like me to say "You're all a bunch of idiots".
  • dwccrew
    Some are more equal than others.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    People are scum. They deserve no rights. Killing each other, oppressing our fellow man, selling children as sex slaves. Dogs don't do any of that.