
My Chalupa sat on the counter all night...

  • ytownfootball
    ...and I ate it for lunch anyway.

    I'm building my immune system.
  • Bigred1995
    Trust me, the fact that it sat out all night isn't going to kill you, the Chalupa itself, in the long run, will!
  • ytownfootball
    Monday's are a bitch at my house.

    Generally the only night we don't prepare something ourselves.

    Agreed that the Bell won't win any culinary awards or hit the top 10 in healthy ordering out options, but the 10 year old won choice last night.
  • WebFire
    I don't think your body builds up immunity from putting rotten food in your stomach.
  • gorocks99
    The chalupa is so loaded with preservatives there's no way it was rotten.

    Stanky, yes, rotten, no.
  • thedynasty1998
    You mean it's not an acceptable practice to eat the leftover Taco Bell that was ordered as the 4th meal and left sittig out the following day for lunch?
  • ytownfootball
    It's recommended, limp lettuce and festoring bacterial matter = healthy immune system

    look for your own link, I know this to be true ;)
  • justincredible
    I used to do this with pizza in college. Whatever I didn't eat at night was left in the box on the dresser for breakfast the following day.
  • trackandccrunner
    I would have still ate it too chalpuas are my 2nd favorite thing from taco bell.
  • Zoltan
    Considering the best thing about a Chalupa is crispy shell, sogging it up for a night on the counter is a death sentence for quality. I have still done this many times though.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Dude, I've totally gone 2-3 days before eating a chalupa that was sitting around. I'm still kickin', so that's good news to you.
  • TBone14
    I once waited 5 days to eat a mexi melt. It was in the fridge though.