
You're A Bad Driver Based on Your Occupation

  • bigkahuna
    Top 10 Worst Drivers by Profession

    1. Attorney/Judge

    2. Financial professionals

    3. Government worker

    4. Bartender or Waiter

    5. Business Professionals

    6. Dog Groomer

    7. Marketing/Advertising professionals

    8. Barber/Stylist

    9. Coach

    10. Nurse


    Why in the hell are Dog Groomers considered bad drivers? Some of the others I can understand or see a scenario, but dog groomers especially-NO WAY
  • gorocks99
    Sweet, #7.
  • bigkahuna
    I guess you could call me #7
    my wife is #10

    I've had speeding tickets, and she's never been pulled over. However, we would agree that I am the better driver.
  • cbus4life
    Yay, none of them!!
  • j_crazy
    i'm surprised nail technician isn't up there since they are mostly asian women.
    bigkahuna wrote:
    Why in the hell are Dog Groomers considered bad drivers? Some of the others I can understand or see a scenario, but dog groomers especially-NO WAY
    Cuz most dog groomers are Asian women?
  • Belly35
    The only difference between 1. and 6.

    1 is piece of shit and 6 take out pieces of shit
  • bigkahuna

    But funny
  • Society
    bigkahuna wrote:

    But funny
    That's Hilarious!
  • Stiffman
    I'm a government employee/accountant/tax supervisor. I'm 2, 3 and 5.
  • UA5straightin2008
    why couldnt helen keller drive?
  • ernest_t_bass
    bigkahuna wrote:Why in the hell are Dog Groomers considered bad drivers? Some of the others I can understand or see a scenario, but dog groomers especially-NO WAY
    Hi, Harry Dunn.
  • Little Danny
    From my own personal experience the following two are the worst drivers:

    1. Students
    2. Retirees
  • June18
    Whoever did this list is obviously a woman. Any man would have made a much shorter list

    1. Women

    End of list
  • fan_from_texas
    Driving while using a blackberry is apparently not a good idea.
  • bigkahuna
    June18 wrote: Whoever did this list is obviously a woman. Any man would have made a much shorter list

    1. Women

    End of list
    Well played sir touche
  • Timber
    Dog groomers have their own specific category? I did not know they are that plentiful.

    #1 on the list should be the bartenders... patrons.
  • Curly J
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: why couldnt helen keller drive?
    Because she was a woman !!!
  • JoeA1010
    I'm both 1 and 9.

    Dog Grooming is in there because those drivers often drive with animals in the car, leading to distractions and accidents.
  • 3reppom
    I will be a 7 in a few months
  • wizecracker