
Airline "Passenger of Size" Policy

  • krambman
    What are your feelings on this? This has been in the news a bit recently because of some controversy between Southwest Airlines and Kevin Smith.

    Do you think that it's okay for airlines to require passengers who can't close the arm rest to purchase two seats?

    I'm a bigger guy (small enough to fit in an airline seat comfortably), but I have no problem with this policy. If I put on a few more pounds and became too large for a seat I'd have no problem being required to purchase two seats. Besides the fact that it's inconvenient to be sitting next to someone who is spilling over onto my seat (especially on a longer flight) it is a serious safety issue. The safety issue to me is the bigger dealer more than the comfort issue.

    So, what's your take?
  • wkfan
    krambman wrote: Do you think that it's okay for airlines to require passengers who can't close the arm rest to purchase two seats?
  • Con_Alma
    Pay for what you use.
  • 2quik4u
    if your fat ass takes up more then one seat then you should have to pay for it
  • queencitybuckeye
    If the flight is full, you should have to pay for the 2nd seat.
  • FatHobbit
    krambman wrote:Do you think that it's okay for airlines to require passengers who can't close the arm rest to purchase two seats?
    Absolutely. I flew with a friend and his brother and they are both pretty fat. They thought it made more sense for me to sit between them because it was uncomfortable for them to sit beside each other. I didn't want both of them spilling over onto me from either side. (My friend also likes to sit in the aisle at movies/concerts/sporting events because it gives him more room, but he doesnt like it when people in the middle want to get out because it's inconvenient for him.)
  • 4cards
    ...If their too fat to fly, they can always find alternative transportation.
  • Society
    Yes, fat people are a burden on the rest of us. They should be paying for more than just 2 seats. Taco Bell anyone?
  • UA5straightin2008
    same goes for sporting events!!
  • Belly35
    Hell yes ! They should pay for two seats...and if the plane goes down they have to be the last one out of the emergy exit doors...... I don't what some fat ass blocking the door
  • Fab4Runner
    FatHobbit wrote:
    krambman wrote:Do you think that it's okay for airlines to require passengers who can't close the arm rest to purchase two seats?
    Absolutely. I flew with a friend and his brother and they are both pretty fat. They thought it made more sense for me to sit between them because it was uncomfortable for them to sit beside each other. I didn't want both of them spilling over onto me from either side. (My friend also likes to sit in the aisle at movies/concerts/sporting events because it gives him more room, but he doesnt like it when people in the middle want to get out because it's inconvenient for him.)
    Your friend sounds like an asshole.

    As for the original question...I have no problem with this requirement.
  • GoChiefs
    krambman wrote: Do you think that it's okay for airlines to require passengers who can't close the arm rest to purchase two seats?
    Sure do.
  • Darkon
    Belly35 wrote: Hell yes ! They should pay for two seats...and if the plane goes down they have to be the last one out of the emergy exit doors...... I don't what some fat ass blocking the door
  • jmog
    Yes, as someone who used to travel frequently for work (don't travel as much at new job) I full heartedly agree that they should charge for 2 seats if you can't fit in 1.
  • FatHobbit
    Fab4Runner wrote:Your friend sounds like an asshole.
    In this case I think you're right, but most of the time he's not. :)
  • Gardens35
    Darkon wrote:
    Belly35 wrote: Hell yes ! They should pay for two seats...and if the plane goes down they have to be the last one out of the emergy exit doors...... I don't what some fat ass blocking the door
    ...and those two seats should be the center and window.
  • Devils Advocate
    Belly35 wrote: Hell yes ! They should pay for two seats...and if the plane goes down they have to be the last one out of the emergy exit doors...... I don't what some fat ass blocking the door
    You could also take the position that you have only survived because his or her fat ass provided you that padding tha allowed you to survive :)
  • krambman
    queencitybuckeye wrote: If the flight is full, you should have to pay for the 2nd seat.
    This was my thought. I think that they should be required to purchase a second seat, but if the flight is less than full then they should be refunded for the second seat because it wasn't really necessary for them to purchase an extra one with open seats anyway.
  • Chesapeake
  • Keith
    Pay for two seats if you are too fat for one.
  • bigdaddy2003
    krambman wrote: Do you think that it's okay for airlines to require passengers who can't close the arm rest to purchase two seats?
    Yes I do.
  • queencitybuckeye
    Interesting case in the "fail" picture above. It looks to me like even if the guy wasn't overweight, he'd still be too big for the seat. Does that change anything? Tougher call IMO.
  • ts1227
    Devils Advocate wrote:
    Belly35 wrote: Hell yes ! They should pay for two seats...and if the plane goes down they have to be the last one out of the emergy exit doors...... I don't what some fat ass blocking the door
    You could also take the position that you have only survived because his or her fat ass provided you that padding tha allowed you to survive :)
    They could also be used as a raft in a water landing or as a pad at the bottom of the emergency slide if they go out first.
  • darbypitcher22
    yeah you should have to buy another seat... I was on a international flight in which my head/face area was bumped by a rather large woma's rolls as she walked up the aisle... I was not happy
  • Ankle Breaker
    Chesapeake wrote:
    Houston, we have a problem.