
Wii Sports Question

  • Ironman92
    Does anyone know how they figure up the skill levels? I thought in bowling maybe it was a cumulative score of 6 games....but that's not it (though it gets you pretty close)

    How high do the skill levels go? 2000?

    My 6 year old has a bowling skill level at 1712! He has had 1 300 game and about 15 games over 270.

    What's your highest skill levels? (I know I'm 2 years behind time...just play along....I'm only 40 miles from WV and Kentucky)

    My golf level is at 1565 and my baseball is at 1620.

    Both my son and I have scored -8 on the 9 hole course....including a double eagle on #9
  • RedRider1
    On the original Wii sports, I'm over 1000 in bowling.....but dont play the others enough to get big points.
  • UA5straightin2008
    im like 1800 in bowling and 1999 in tennis
  • Ironman92
    no one knows how the skill levels are attained?