
the amazing has happened: The Ohio State University Cancells Class!

  • osudarby08
    except I work for on campus dining and I still have to go in. Fuck my life.
  • tcarrier32
    i bet that minimum wage is really starting to sound appealing.
  • krazie45
    My practice is cancelled but I might just pop the head on and go have fun around campus today. Watch out for Brutus snowballs!
  • bases_loaded
    amazing? I had two snow days at OSU. While it isn't anywhere near as frequent as high school, they do happen.
  • Fab4Runner
    I had one snow day when I was at the University of Toledo.
  • krazie45
    bases_loaded wrote: amazing? I had two snow days at OSU. While it isn't anywhere near as frequent as high school, they do happen.
    I also have had 2 snow days (well 3 counting my freshman year at OSU-Mansfield). However it's only like the 7th snow day in the last 20 years for Ohio State.
  • KR1245
    Great news.........I had class/lab all day.
  • chicago510
    KR1245 wrote: Great news.........I had class/lab all day.
    Me too. I know we pay to be here blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean the child in me doesn't want a freakin day off every now and then
  • darbypitcher22
    Have never had a snow day on my campus.... haven't had a mass cancellation of classes in 40+ years according to some faculty....
  • ernest_t_bass
    We had a few at BGSU.
  • osu45804
    Haha this is great with one of my classes being cancelled for my professor being out of town all I was going to have today was just my 8am Stats Lab. I didn't even set my alarm if I woke up on time I'd go if not I wouldn't, I guess it didn't matter anyway maybe my "tweet" to President Gee last night inspired him to close today :D
  • Belly35
    BGSU back in the early / mid 70's would alway have Snow days.
    Really Wind days/ Driffting day/ .....that wind blowing across the open field of BGSU would just rip into your body. Back in 1974 or 75 there where drifting snow as high as the powerlines and Howard's was closed and the Clock was not open for breakfast.............
  • FatHobbit
    I was at OSU through most of the 90's. They only cancelled classes once and I didn't find out about it until I tried to open the door to the building and it was locked. :(
  • ohiotiger33
    We get snow days for <1 inch of snow, lol. None this year, but we have had one each of the last two years.

    We got 3 inches friday night, but of course it had all melted by noon on saturday.
  • sleeper
    FatHobbit wrote: I was at OSU through most of the 90's. They only cancelled classes once and I didn't find out about it until I tried to open the door to the building and it was locked. :(
    I went to my class today completely unaware of a snow day, and sure enough the doors to the building were both locked. I suppose the lack of people should have triggered something in my head, but alas, when in rome...
  • osu45804
    This is only the 2nd time in my 3 years down here that I can recall being cancelled
  • krambman
    My college canceled classes three times while I was in school which doubled the total cancellations in school history (50+ years). It used to be that 80% of students lived on campus and most of the faculty lived next to campus. Now only 60% of the students live on campus and most faculty like 10-15 min away, so they're more likely to cancel now because it's more difficult for everyone to make it in for classes.
  • ts1227
    In the 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad school I've done here at OU, we canceled once. (Ice storm in January 2009).
    There was another day in 2005 where Athens County hit a level 3 snow emergency (automatic closure), but it was a Saturday morning so it changed nothing.

    Apparently the last closure of the Athens Campus before that was in 2003.
  • baseballstud24
    My Dad has worked at Ohio University since 1978...I think they've closed 4 times or something like that in 32 years.
  • Heretic
    One of those times OU closed was in early '94...for a couple of days, too. Many brain cells met their death during that time.
  • UA5straightin2008
    how do they go about notifying all 50,000 students? e mail? or are you just supposed to see it on the news
  • GOONx19
    What's really amazing is the way that everyone down here acts when they get a little snow. UK classes were cancelled from 5pm last night until 11 this morning. There were TWO inches. But I'm not complaining.
  • osu45804
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: how do they go about notifying all 50,000 students? e mail? or are you just supposed to see it on the news
    They send out e-mails plus it's on the front page of the schools website
  • UA5straightin2008
  • dlazz
    How come nobody has commented on the piss-poor spelling in the OP's title?