Freehuddle Scoreboard
Cleveland BuckOk, I'm going to get to work on this. I don't know if/when we will get the ticker ready, but I can get at least get the scoreboard page ready. I want to do it while the playoffs are still going on so we can work out any kinks before the next football season. Anyway, I need to know which sports to include on the scoreboard, and we are going to need volunteers to provide score updates to be entered in there. We can do pro and college sports too if people want to help out with it. If you wish to volunteer to provide score updates, please tell me what sport(s) you would do it for. We will probably need a few people for each sport. We all appreciate the help.
newarkcatholicfanI can do Newark Catholic football and other games I attend.
ChesapeakeI recommend football and basketball only.
ChesapeakePro and college scoreboards are available anywhere.
Put all the efforts into high school scoreboards and they will come. -
Cleveland BuckWell, yeah the high school sports are obviously the main things, but if someone wants to do the other ones I can throw them in. No big deal either way.
majorsparkI agree with Chesapeake.
justincredibleI'm going to agree with Chesapeake, as well.
Limit the scoreboard to just the high school sports. That can include more than just football and basketball, though. -
Big_Mirg_ZHSIll help with Zanesville/MVL etc. scores.
majorsparkI can help with Inter Valley Conference Basketball.
j_crazykapono is your guy for Washington county and PVC scores. PM and see if he's interested (he was on JJ).
WebFireRiverdale here.