How many jobs have you held...
justincredible...since completing your highest level of education? This doesn't include part-time or summer jobs, just "career" type jobs.
I graduated in 2006 and I am currently on job four. I just realized that is a lot of job changes for someone who has only been out of college for 4 years.
My first job was entry-level in Indianapolis so I was obviously not planning on staying there long. The company was pretty shaky for a while and they knew I was interviewing for a job in Cincinnati so I was the lucky developer who was laid off. That was on a Friday and I had a job offer in Cincinnati the following Monday.
That job was great (working on stuff for the Spelling Bee) but after a company split I "transferred" to a new company that was the new IT department of the offshoot company.
That job sucked ass and I was extremely active in finding a new job within 7 months. I have been at my current job for just over a month and it is great so far. It has been amazing going from a corporate job to one where I can wear holey jeans and a tshirt every day to work, play ping pong numerous times throughout the day and have beer in the office on Friday.
Cue cool story, bro. -
Graduated with my BA in May of 2006. Hired in August of 06. Laid off in April of 09. Hired in May of 09 and still employed.
I finish my Master's next month and will be quietly looking for a better job. -
First big guy job hopefully this May after I graduate. -
wildcats20Started working at Kroger when I was 14 worked until I left for my frosh year of college. When I came back from my frosh year(I didn't go back), I started working at Delve, a local market research company and am about to come up on my 6 year anny.
I started at Sprint my junior year of college. I never finished my junior year, and stayed at that job for just over four years. I was not planning on leaving, until this new job fell into my lap. I had to make a really tough choice, and left Sprint for my new job with Motorola.
Looking back, that's the best choice I could have made!
Now hopefully, after March...I'll be a full-time comedian and the dream will be a reality! -
gorocks99One -- finished my grad degree in December of 2008, started at my current job in January of 2009.
coyotes22LOL. I voted before I read the post.
My real answer would be 2. -
Mr. 300Radio, banking, corporate/manu, sales
StiffmanIt helps to read the first post completely!!!
I've had 5 jobs. 4 while out of high school and during college. 1 since college - graduated in August '90 and was at work about 2 weeks later in September. 20 years is coming up this year. I think they call me a lifer! -
Glory Days1, working on getting #2 right now.
stationrun1, my current job, since I got my MBA in 1987.
GoChiefsGraduated college in 2001. Since then..done the factory thing (made rollers at one, lockers at one, and parts for railroad cars at another) and worked in the pipeline business. I miss that job!
berryManaged a furniture store, collected bull semen, managed a brickyard, gynecologist.
Hopefully, the bull semen job and the gynecology job did not occur at the same time. LOLberry wrote: Managed a furniture store, collected bull semen, managed a brickyard, gynecologist. -
Curly JLooks like I'm in the 5 plus since 1986.
USAF - 4 years
'Swung a hammer' - 3 Months
Security Guard - 3 years
Copier Repair - 11 1/2 years
Security Guard - 1 1/2 years
Network Tech - 3 years now and still going strong. -
Dr Jones2 total for me
worked at Ryans family steakhouse for 10 years and have been at Pepsi CO for 13 years -
TimberStarted working in the family business while in High school... 12 years
Next job... 5 years
Current job... 16th year
Still trying to figure out the "career job" LOL -
noreply66started working in 1966 and had 4 jobs during all these years
iclfan2Started working in October of 2009. So 1. Graduated in June of 2009, had a job lined up since December of 2008. Took a class for certification in my field between July and September.
j_crazyi'm only counting it as 1, because it's with the same company. But I've rotated 3 times since taking the job.
Belly35I have been hired and fired by three company three times each .. and got a pay increase and bonus each time
Know it all6..... My favorite job, which I miss dearly, was when we had amish rake fighting contests every Friday night held at various old barns in Holmes county. I was undefeated for nine straight weeks and in that period of time won $38.00. Now I manage a Dairy Queen.