
We need more doctors like this

  • 2quik4u

    Foul-mouthed surgeon blasts fat patient

    February 11, 2010

    A foul-mouthed New Zealand surgeon has been reprimanded after swearing at a severely obese patient.

    A 44-year-old mother filed a complaint about the doctor after a tense consultation with him last year, The New Zealand Herald reports.

    The doctor said f--- at least three times to the Maori woman after she told him she didn't like the word "diet" and preferred the term "lifestyle".

    He told her she was, "going on a f---ing diet".

    In the letter of complaint, the woman wrote: "[The doctor] said if I couldn't handle the word diet then he challenged my motivation and stated that I would never survive surgery because I was still bullshitting myself and therefore my thinking was still f---ed".

    In response to the woman's concerns, the doctor said they no longer had a "therapeutic relationship" and scratched her from the gastric bypass waiting list.

    New Zealand's Health and Disability Commissioner, Ron Paterson, said the doctor, who admitted using bad language, had been unprofessional and insulting.
  • I Wear Pants
    What a stupid bitch.

    I've noticed that something along the lines of ^^^ that has been my response to like six threads today.
  • darbypitcher22
    good for him.

    Although he might have been able to pick a little bit different term... most doctors call it a lifestyle change anyways
  • gorocks99
    False, we need more doctors like this:

  • j_crazy
    i love this Dr.
  • 2quik4u
    j_crazy wrote: i love this Dr.
    the chick above or the dude?
  • Little Danny
    I love both.

    On a related note, a heard on the radio a few years ago where a NY woman sued her doctor because he sent her to the zoo to get an MRI. Apparently she was morbidly obese and would not fit in the MRI machine. They had to use the device they use for the elephants. She claimed the fact the doctor ordered this was humiliating. Maybe she should have not ate so many cheeseburgers and fries.
  • 2quik4u
    Little Danny wrote: I love both.

    On a related note, a heard on the radio a few years ago where a NY woman sued her doctor because he sent her to the zoo to get an MRI. Apparently she was morbidly obese and would not fit in the MRI machine. They had to use the device they use for the elephants. She claimed the fact the doctor ordered this was humiliating. Maybe she should have not ate so many cheeseburgers and fries.
    lol at a fat bitch catching feelings
  • baseballstud24
    My dad's doctor does this to him. My dad will go in for a checkup and the doctor will be like "Well, you gained four fucking pounds since your last visit!" Dad will be like..."Yea...the holidays got me"...and the doctor will say "ALWAYS A FUCKING EXCUSE!" Dad said it works though.
  • Nate
    I guess being blunt is enough to have a lawsuit filed.
  • darbypitcher22
    being blunt doesn't work in any facet of society anymore, period.

    You're either gonna get sued or fired cuz you hurt somebody's feelings.
  • WebFire
    Little Danny wrote: She claimed the fact the doctor ordered this was humiliating.
    I'm sure it was humiliating. So what's her point? Not that doc's fault that it is humiliating.