
CBS Bans Ad Calling for Marijuana Legalization Over 'Morals'

  • Upper90
    I don't find this at all surprising.

    Whether I agree with it or not is a different issue, but this isn't surprising.
  • Fab1b
    I don't want to pay taxes on it........LOL :)
  • I Wear Pants
    That's ridiculous. So now every time there is legislation that the media doesn't like they're going to claim that any ad supporting said legislation is against their morals.

    Who isn't ready ccrunner?
  • dwccrew
    ccrunner609 wrote: we are not ready for legal dope
    We already have it in the form of prescription meds, which are easy to obtain through prescription, and alcohol.

    Not to get into the debate on this thread, but alcohol is much more detrimental to health and families and inhibits people much more than marijuana. From my personal experiences and medical journals I have read, I have found this to be true.

    If someone doesn't like marijuana, they don't have to buy it. But this would be huge money maker for the government and money SAVER as well.

    No longer wasting police units on searching for dealers and growers. Also no longer prosecuting and jailing them will save money. It will allow our police to focus on violent criminals and much more serious crimes and harder drugs.