
Anyone use OpenOffice? I need some help

  • SportsAndLady
    So I've been using OpenOffice for a few months and have had no problems saving my document as a microsoft word 97 file...then opening it up on a computer that has a printer, so I can print it.

    Well I just tried to save it, and it's not working.

    What should I do
  • FatHobbit
    What's not working? You can't save it in open office or on the computer with a printer?
  • SportsAndLady
    I can't open it up on my roommates computer, which is what I've been doing for months.
  • LJ
    I don't use it but my sister does exclusively and sometimes when she sends me things to print they just plain won't open. Something about it randomly corrupting a file every so often.
  • FatHobbit
    Do you get an error message?
  • SportsAndLady
    FatHobbit wrote: Do you get an error message?
    I just bring it up on Word on my roommates computer, and it says "do you trust this file" I click "yes" then it says, and I'm paraphrasing here, "error: could not open file because the formatting does not add up"
  • LJ
    SportsAndLady wrote:
    FatHobbit wrote: Do you get an error message?
    I just bring it up on Word on my roommates computer, and it says "do you trust this file" I click "yes" then it says, and I'm paraphrasing here, "error: could not open file because the formatting does not add up"
    Yep, that's what it does when it won't open one of my sister's

    A lot of times she will resave the file under a different name and it will work.
  • SportsAndLady
    Yeah it's not working.

    Sucks, too, because I'm trying to print my resume' for an interview I have today. Leave it to technology to mess up when you really need it to come through.
  • FatHobbit
    LJ wrote: Yep, that's what it does when it won't open one of my sister's

    A lot of times she will resave the file under a different name and it will work.
    Try that and see if it helps.
  • SportsAndLady
    I re-saved the file under a different name 3 times before I even started this thread, then did it once more when LJ mentioned that, no luck.

    I still have 3 hours til my interview...if it doesn't work at the library computers, i'll just simply open my resume' up on my laptop and re-type it there on library computers.

    Thanks for the help fellas.
  • FatHobbit
    SportsAndLady wrote: I re-saved the file under a different name 3 times before I even started this thread, then did it once more when LJ mentioned that, no luck.

    I still have 3 hours til my interview...if it doesn't work at the library computers, i'll just simply open my resume' up on my laptop and re-type it there on library computers.

    Thanks for the help fellas.
    You might be able to save it as text only and then reformat it in word. :s(that will at least save you the typing)
  • SportsAndLady
    I'm a quick typer FH, it'll only take me 10 min to type it up. It's no biggie. Besides, it'll give me something to do to get rid of my nervousness for this interview :D
  • FatHobbit
    SportsAndLady wrote: I'm a quick typer FH, it'll only take me 10 min to type it up. It's no biggie. Besides, it'll give me something to do to get rid of my nervousness for this interview :D
    Good luck!
  • Skyhook79
    SportsAndLady wrote: I'm a quick typer FH, it'll only take me 10 min to type it up. It's no biggie. Besides, it'll give me something to do to get rid of my nervousness for this interview :D

    So this whole thread was pointless? You could have re-typed it 4 times while posting on this thread. I hope you don't list efficiency as a strength.:D
  • SportsAndLady
    Skyhook79 wrote:
    SportsAndLady wrote: I'm a quick typer FH, it'll only take me 10 min to type it up. It's no biggie. Besides, it'll give me something to do to get rid of my nervousness for this interview :D

    So this whole thread was pointless? You could have re-typed it 4 times while posting on this thread. I hope you don't list efficiency as a strength.:D
    Yeah and HOPEFULLY Kobe Bryant is the other candidate for this position...they'd definitely take me over a rapist ;)