
Do You Believe in Sex Addiction

  • dancinbear
    Not sure I believe in the diagnosis....I think we used to call it "ego-mania."
  • BORIStheCrusher
    fan_from_texas wrote: The goal is to stop having sex with hundreds of random strangers and picking up STDs.

    People who are sex addicts engage in all sorts of behavior that go beyond simple promiscuity--some of these people do stuff that's clearly, painfully stupid to the point of being insane, yet it's an addiction that is tough for them to kick.
    +1 to this. Simply cheating on a spouse doesn't equate to being an addict, it's being stupid.
  • bo shemmy3337
    It is real for sure. Many people are addicted to porn. Look it up.
  • Glory Days
    VH1 had a celebrity rehab for sex addiction a month or two ago. definitely pretty interesting, especially when you see why the addiction may have been triggered.
  • ohiotiger33
    I mean, if you aren't strong enough to control your urge to have sex with women, it could drive you to do crazy things. Not saying it is a defense in marriage either, and not trying to defend Woods either, just playing devils advocate.
  • UANyg
    if you watch dr. drew's sex rehab, you'd know it exists. maybe not how tiger and others like him claim they have it, but people who have been abused or raped as children can become addicted to sex, and it is a serious affliction.
  • I Wear Pants
    dancinbear wrote: Not sure I believe in the diagnosis....I think we used to call it "ego-mania."
    We used to call AIDS gay cancer too.