
Things kids say

    I'm watching my nephews and my oldest nephews friend until my sister gets home from coaching basketball, and the kids are all playing Wii. Well they're all creating their "Mii's" and my nephews friend, who is black, created his like the other kids and my younger nephew, that's 3, says "you can't make your person like that, you're not white".
    I told my nephew to be quiet and he could make his person however he wanted lol.

    Kids have no tact, do they?
  • June18
    Good for your little nephew..... damn kid tryin to be a whitey
    I was always told kids don't notice color, but apparently thats not true.
  • majorspark
    Many years ago when my kids were of that age, my daughter says too my wife while they are standing in the check out line. "Mom, that woman's butt is huge". Of course my daughters height at the time brought her face to face with this woman's butt. Everyone heard it and the woman was quite embarassed. She knew my daughter did not know any better at the time. But it was quite an awkward situation for everyone.
  • sherm03
    My uncle was in the store with his daughter and there was a little person in the aisle. My little cousin (a big Wizard of Oz fan) gets all excited and whispers to her dad, "Dad! Look! A munchkin!" My uncle tells her to be quiet and that that's not right. As they are walking down the aisle, my cousin is just staring down this little person and the lady notices. The lady smiles at my cousin and says, "Hi there, cutie." My cousin laughs and screams to my uncle, "Wow dad! They talk, too!!"

    I love kids.
  • rmolin73
    I was at a grocery store with my 5 year old cousin and there was a lady in front of us with a baby in the cart. My cousin says out loud "that baby is ugly", the woman gives us a dirty look and my girlfriend walks away laughing. But that was one ugly ass baby!
  • BuckeyeBlue
    One of my co-workers told a story that goes pretty well with this story. He was grocery shopping with his wife and kids a few years ago. A girl he worked with off of the ship was walking around and noticed him. She walked over and introduced herself to his wife and kids. When she walked away his daughter turned to his wife and said "Kelly is a LOT prettier than you Mommy." Laughed hysterically the first time I heard that one.
  • bucks36
    Not something my 5 year old said, but what she did yesterday. We were going to head into town yesterday afternoon and she went out to get in the truck ahead of me. When I got out there she was standing next to my truck eating something. I asked her if it was snow and she said no. I asked if it was ice and she said "yep". I asked her where she got it and she said "hanging off the bottom of your truck". Oh boy.
  • Timber
    A friend was watching my daughter. She took her to play at her grandkids house. My daughter (Just turned 4) walked down in the basement and said "This place is a mess, why do you keep it like this?"
  • genghis dong
    We were at my friends house last weekend, and his daughter who is 3 asked everyone who came in the door to go to her room to play. Her Aunt finally said yes. My buddies bedroom door was closed and all we heard was "don't go in there Aunt Jenna that's where mommy and daddy make babies"
  • jmog
    My mom and dad always tell this one about me...

    I was about 2 I guess, and my mom was outside sun bathing in her bikini and I apparently walked up and patted her chest up and down saying "balls, balls, balls".
    My mom said "no, those are not balls, they are none of your business".

    She thinks nothing of it, a couple weeks go by and she is at the grocery store checking out and has to write a check. She puts me up on the counter so she can still hold me as she writes.

    I promptly reach out, pat her chest again and say "none of my business".

    I guess the clerk couldn't stop laughing.
  • Little Danny
    I took my 10 year old to an All You Can Eat Buffett a few weeks ago. The first thing I should note is my son is a very nice kid. I often worry he is too soft and will eventually get picked on by bullies but that is another story. Fortunately for him he is a big kid (he is already about 5'2 and weighs 95 pounds) and is good at sports.

    We were sitting across the table from this very large family of four (by large, I mean everyone weighs in the 300-400 lb range. ). They had the plates stacked a mile high and all get up for more. My son looks over at me and grins. I am waiting for him to make a comment when he whispers in my ear "Dad, all those people at that table.....are drinking lemonade". I rolled off the floor after that one.
  • Scarlet_Fever
    Last week my 6 year old daughter is in gym class and they are doing jump rope for heart. They ask if anyone in their family has heart problems. My daughter raises her hand and tells them she wants to jump for mommy because she has heart problems. So after school she tells my wife that she needs to fill this out because she will be jumping for her. My wife says for me? Honey, I don't have heart problems. My daughter replies yes you do. You have heartburn all the time.
  • Swamp Fox
    Art Linkletter used to host a TV Show many years ago called "Kids Say The Darnedest Things". On one particular episode, the kids were asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. This one little boy was doing just fine until until very late in his recitation when he said....."One Nation, in a dirigible, with liberty and justice for all." I always thought that was cute.
  • UA5straightin2008
    ^^cosbys was better^^