What are some current commercials that use music??
detectivegibblesI need some ideas for a project for my music class.
I don't watch too much TV so I wouldn't know what commercials use music...
Thanks. -
gorocks99Just point and you'll run into one.
What kind of music do you need? Anything? Blackberry does some bastardized Beatles song. -
detectivegibblesJust anything really. I haven't turned on the tv in literally 2 weeks outside of the grammy's last night.
I got the free credit report jingles, the asian guy singing in his car.
I just need like 5-10 commercials where music is incorporated and I am at the library as we speak finishing this project. -
j_crazycadillac has a catchy tune on their spots.
detectivegibblesThank you Gorocks.
detectivegibblesWhat is the one car commercial where the lady hits the pot hole and she starts consoling her car...another part of that same commercial, a soccer ball hits the car....
gorocks99Fuck I watch too much TV.
detectivegibblesYou're the man. Thank you this helped a lot.
The Gissunderarmour uses a lot of Explosions In The Sky music
THE4RINGZBlackberry is using an old Beatle's song in their latest ads.
You can use it or not, but they're some recognizeable guys -