
Idea Pitch Help

  • balk14
    so i was messing around at work the other day and accidentally invented a baseball training tool that i think could potentially be pretty useful...ive been at this point before with other things but have no idea where to go with my idea or who to talk to

    obviously the word is "investors" but id like to casually talk to somebody who could help me out in a setting where i dont have to have a prototype or business model set up or anything like that

    any ideas?
  • UA5straightin2008
    get on the show "shark tank"
  • balk14
    hahahaha saw that...i guess thats always an option
  • UA5straightin2008
    IMO i thought it was a good show..pretty interesting stuff
  • Apple
    Make a demo video and post it on youtube (then pray someone doesn't take your idea and make your millions!)
  • Fred Flintstone
    Seek advice from a patent attorney.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Why don't you tell me what you invented, then I'll tell you if it's been invented, and I'll go to investors to tell you if they'd buy it :)
  • O-Trap
    Fred Flintstone wrote: Seek advice from a patent attorney.
  • balk14
    i could do that...but im not looking to market and produce it on my more looking to see if i could get it to somebody like easton or rawlings because people associate quality baseball gear with those brands
  • OneBuckeye
    Find an industrial designer to design and make some prototypes, find a patent attorney and patent the crap out of it. Then start shopping it around or hope someone makes it before your patent runs out and you can sue their ass.