
Lost and Found Department: br1986fb

  • BRF
    Just by luck, I finally hooked up with my friend br1986fb.

    He has been hanging out here and there in the free stuff with the Browns on the OP.

    He says he has also been posting at Yappi. (I am a member of Yappi but have never posted there and rarely go there, btw.) .....also, you still can't type out Yappi on the OP and, of course, FreeHuddle is banned, too.

    Anyhow, I told him to get over here. So I am asking any of you out there if you know this guy:

    and have access to the OP, give him a shout out and encourage him to get on over to this place.
  • Mr. 300
  • BigAppleBuckeye
    I always liked br1986fb, I hope he comes on over, good guy.
  • stationrun
    Just sent him a pm from the pay huddle as I still have access, at least for now, pm may get me banned as well, although I worded it as the other huddle rather then freehuddle. Always liked to read br1986fb posts as he is a fellow Patriot Athletic Conference fan like myself!
  • BigDog
    Not to sound too stupid................but what's the OP????
  • stationrun
    Other Place as in pay huddle.
  • 2quik4u
    I thought u were the same dude
  • Heretic
    I'd want him here. He posts a lot of good pro sports stuff and isn't as likely as some to go off on a 50-post pissing match with someone else because they went against something he said.
  • BRF
    2quik4u wrote: I thought u were the same dude
    From time to time, that happened with people mixing us up.

    And I always take that as a compliment.

    BRF shout out to wes_mantooth for his efforts in getting br to come over here.
  • Sonofanump
    We need more post about random feet washing up on the shore in Canada.
  • ytownfootball
    He always had a ton of info on the Browns, most of which was available to all who would search for it, but would also keep some of us up to date on some inside info not shared publicly. I always appreciated that and hope he rears his ugly ol wrastlin' head here soon.

    If I remember correctly, someone said there was a poster here who was (by his presence) keeping him off this site. I don't know who that poster is but might be willing to make a trade.:D
  • BigDog
    stationrun wrote: Other Place as in pay huddle.
    Thank You!!
  • justincredible
    ytownfootball wrote: If I remember correctly, someone said there was a poster here who was (by his presence) keeping him off this site. I don't know who that poster is but might be willing to make a trade.:D
    It's me so I wouldn't expect br over here anytime soon. ;)

    Actually, I think the person keeping him from here isn't posting here any more. At least I haven't noticed them posting in a long time.
  • Skyhook79
    I miss Shelbucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he always put br1986fb in his place.
  • Upper90
    No, I'm still here.

    And he'll stay over on the Huddle if he knows what's good for him.
  • ytownfootball
    Welp, that cleared things up.
  • killer_ewok
    Good dude. Would be an asset to this site IMO.
  • BRF
    Upper90 wrote: No, I'm still here.

    And he'll stay over on the Huddle if he knows what's good for him.
    Surely you jest!

    And...I miss Shelbucks, too. I would debate about the "put him in his place" part, though!
  • Curly J
    BRF, when I see your avatar I think it's him posting. Cunfuses the hell out of my pea-brain
  • Upper90
    Oh, yeah. I'm joking. I always liked br, really. haha.
  • BRF
    It's just a temporary thing.
  • BRF
    Upper90 wrote: Oh, yeah. I'm joking. I always liked br, really. haha.
    Maybe you could write a song about him, funny boy!
  • Heretic
    Skyhook79 wrote: I miss Shelbucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he always put br1986fb in his place.
    By "he always put br1986fb in his place", do you mean "constantly got ridiculed by most people to the point where LAWYER!!!!!!!CC!!!!!!!!ROLFMAOCC!!!!!!! became a part of every Indians thread"?

    If so, I agree.
  • Apple
    I PM'd him over there and hopefully we'll see him soon.

    Update: He PM'd me back and confirmed that there are people over here he'd just rather not be around. No names were mentioned, though he said he was facebook friends with someone named wes who has invited him to the freehuddle on several occasions.
  • BRF
    Chesapeake said that the reason br is not here is because of zambrown.

    This is not true.