
Still living with parents ….why?

  • fan_from_texas
    I'll echo jmog's statements above. If you're a student, I think it's fine to come home during the summers and live with your parents. But once you graduate, you should find your own place within 2-3 months and move out. The same goes for those who work straight out of HS--find a job and move out within a few months.

    There are certainly situations where it may make sense to move back in (divorce, young child, etc.). But those should be fairly limited in duration, I think.
  • just_a_swimmer
    I moved out when I was 20 after going to college for two years then got a job. My first apartment was a 3 room basement about two blocks from my mom and dads. Close enough to pop in for dinner or breakfast and far enough away they didn't watch me like a hawk.

    My son moved out to go to college and came home 1 summer. Now he is on a co-op and last year he was only home twice for a week at a time. He has an apartment in Maryland and a apartment at school so I pretty much think he is gone for good only to come home to visit. He pays his bills, his college and everything and still lets me claim him on my taxes. Can't beat that:D He will always be welcome in my home though and he will always have his room to stay in, until he has his own family of course. My guess is he will live in Maryland and I will probably move there after my mom is no longer with me. I am in no hurry for that though. Course I may just decide to stay in Ohio too. Time will tell.
  • LJ
    enigmaax wrote: Got married right out of college. Lived with the parents for a few months while the house we bought was being remodeled. Ended up getting an apartment for about three months after that didn't go so well.

    Then a few years later my then-father-in-law moved in with us when the in-laws separated/divorced. Problem was, we had a really small house (supposedly we had a five year plan) and a toddler so the FIL slept on the couch. Six months later, my now ex and I separated/divorced and three months after that I STILL had a drunk dude sleeping on my couch.

    Divorce was tough financially and I always thought I should sell or rent the house and live with the parents while I had nothing else going on to save a bit of cash, but I just couldn't 1) accept the stigma in my own mind and 2) stand the thought of seeing my parents on a daily basis.
    Not to pry, but to take this conversation a step futher, did the FIL being there have anything to do with the divorce?
  • gorocks99
    Out after the summer following my freshman year, now I live on the East Coast while my parents are still in Minnesota and Wisconsin. I'm used to seeing them once every six-eight months now.
  • End of Line
    Considering that I'm about to turn 19, I still live at home (commuting to CSCC) I'm just saving my money so I can get a house on campus with 3 or 4 of my buddies.
  • FatHobbit
    I didn't realize there were rules for when you had to move out.
  • Heretic
    Partly moved out at 18 for college in Athens ("moved back" for summer and winter break).

    Completely moved out at 22, two months or so after graduating.
  • gorocks99
    FatHobbit wrote: I didn't realize there were rules for when you had to move out.
    Consider yourself informed.

  • justincredible
    I moved out about 2 weeks after graduating college when I started my first job in Indianapolis. I spent breaks at home during college but two of my summer jobs had me traveling out of state every week.
  • hasbeen
    I only read the first few responses and based on those I may be different.

    I went to college when I graduated(turned 19 that September of first year of college) and still am in college. I lived in dorms my first semester. Transferred to CSCC and live at home for 2 quarters and now live down in WC. I come home summers and winters. I have no problem being home. My parents are pretty cool and I'm respectful. I usually set a rule that if I'm getting home too late, I just stay somewhere and then I'll text them both so they don't freak out when they wake up.

    My dad has said that he doesn't want me to move out until I am "financially ready". With that said, I won't graduate school until I'm 23 and by that time I hopefully will have a solid enough savings and have landed a job and will probably get an apartment or house with my buddies. But I don't have a problem living with my parents for a year after I graduate depending on the situation.

    With all that said, yes I am the youngest kid. My middle sister lived with us until about a year and a half ago(she was 24 I think), but part of that was her fiance was in Iraq and they hadn't bought a house yet. My oldest sister moved out probably shortly after transferring schools to live with her fiance. She was around 21 or 22. Of course, my oldest sister also got into fights with my dad A LOT and still do even about the bball teams they coach.
  • FatHobbit
    gorocks99 wrote:
    FatHobbit wrote: I didn't realize there were rules for when you had to move out.
    Consider yourself informed.

    Knowing is half the battle.
  • gorocks99
    FatHobbit wrote:
    gorocks99 wrote:
    FatHobbit wrote: I didn't realize there were rules for when you had to move out.
    Consider yourself informed.

    Knowing is half the battle.
    (stretching w/ this reference)
    Nice catch, blanco nino. But too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked.
  • vdubb96
    Living with the parents and I'm 31!!! :) Just sold our house and are in the process of getting a new one!! ONLY REASON I SWARE!!!!
  • charliehustle14
    I'm 19 and commute to school. Once I graduate, I'll be gone. Right now I'm on pace to graduate at in the fall of 2011.
  • LJ

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  • Fab1b
    I left right after high school for the Navy. Moved to Florida got out of the Navy in 98 and stayed down here. I have worked too hard that I hope that is never something I have to consider. My family did move from Ohio to Florida in 99 well my father fell ill and that has been great having them close by again, especially after my father passed in 06. I am able to help my mom whenever as she lives about 5 miles from me as well as my sister just a few miles away as well.
  • gorocks99
    Def my favorite:

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  • enigmaax
    LJ wrote: Not to pry, but to take this conversation a step futher, did the FIL being there have anything to do with the divorce?
    We were fine at the time he moved in, but I don't think it would have lasted forever regardless. His biggest part in it was that she couldn't stand being around him and since he was there all the time (he didn't have much work during that time) she felt her choices were to be in a horrible mood all the time at home or find ways to avoid being home. She shut down emotionally and we drifted apart pretty quickly.
  • Sage
    I'm 23. Haven't lived at home since I was 18.
  • LJ
    Sage wrote: I'm 23. Haven't lived at home since I was 18.
    Hey aren't you Buzz Lightyear? [size=x-small]I loved your movie[/size]
  • fan_from_texas
    LJ wrote: Hey aren't you Buzz Lightyear? [size=x-small]I loved your movie[/size]
    I LOL'd.
  • that_guy
    Other than visiting a few times a year for a week or so, I haven't lived with my parents since the summer after my Sophomore year of college (19).
    Though, my girlfriend is 24 and just now moving out of her Mom and Stepdad's basement. She graduated from college a year and a half ago, but hasn't been financially ready for an aparatment until recently...
  • Tiger2003
    Moved out when I was 17 to join the Marines. Did 5 years in the Marines and moved back to Ohio. Lived with Parents for 1 week until my house was ready. Now living in my own house in Pickerington with my fiance and son.
  • gerb131
    Moved out when I was 19 and haven't moved back in. Several couches, roommates and ex's later it seems I have settled down.
    My mother in law lets her son live at the house and dude is 34, has all the toys in the world too. P's me off to no end but what can you say or do? He pays no rent, utilities, notta. Hell he writes his name on food he picks up from the grocery. Works on and off landscaping or snow plowing. A real quality guy.
  • Bio-Hazzzzard
    GoChiefs wrote: My wifes aunt still lives with her parents..she's about 45. She has never lived on her own. She helps her parents out around the house now. She's happy. Her parents are happy. Guess there isn't anything wrong with that.
    I have a great aunt that is in her 90's and has never left home.

    As for me I left Ohio and moved to Florida when I was 18 with $120 to my name, and 17 years later I'm still in Fl.