
"I forgot he was black tonight, for an hour"

  • Foul Tip
    Will Matthews make Olbermans "Worst Persons in The World" list tonight?

    Stay tuned my friends.
  • darbypitcher22
    how many political analysts make sense half the time?

    does this suprise you?
  • CenterBHSFan
    Chris Matthews has been in the business long enough to know when to use discretion with his words.

    Apparently, obtuseness overrides that trigger sometimes.
  • rmolin73
    ernest_t_bass wrote: Obama's black? I thought he was blaucasian.
    That's epic blaucasian I'm stealing that:D
  • Belly35
    This will be slipped under the carpet, handled very low key just like the Harry Reid situation. The Obama Administration, Democrat Socialist Party and the NAACP are focus on an agenda. Any potential conflict of race is not beneficial to the agenda and will be handled quickly and quietly as possible. The ideology of racist or racism is changing because of the political socialist agenda.
  • derek bomar
    Belly35 wrote: This will be slipped under the carpet, handled very low key just like the Harry Reid situation. The Obama Administration, Democrat Socialist Party and the NAACP are focus on an agenda. Any potential conflict of race is not beneficial to the agenda and will be handled quickly and quietly as possible. The ideology of racist or racism is changing because of the political socialist agenda.
    what is the democrat socialist party? again, you have no idea wtf you are talking about
  • gorocks99
    I think the best resolution is just to sling shit everywhere and see what happens. As usual, both sides.
  • bases_loaded
    Upper90 wrote:
    tk421 wrote: If O'reilly or someone else on Fox News had said this, would everyone still find it not so offensive? :dodgy:
    I've got to be honest, I've probably heard him say worse, but I also don't follow talking heads too much.

    There's a difference between offensive and stupid. To be honest, I'm just not sure that many people can distinguish the two, regardless of political party.
    You have probably heard him say worse...yet you don't follow talking heads too you are assuming he has said worse, basing this on what others have told you about him? Sounds familiar.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    That wasn't offensive or racist or anything near that. We've been taught to be so overly sensetive to any comment on race that it's become quite ridiculous.

    It's simply a commentary on the idea that race was such a big deal in the beginning, but has now all but disappeared from the minds of the public. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • just_a_swimmer
    People have way too much time on their hands.
  • krambman
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: That wasn't offensive or racist or anything near that. We've been taught to be so overly sensetive to any comment on race that it's become quite ridiculous.

    It's simply a commentary on the idea that race was such a big deal in the beginning, but has now all but disappeared from the minds of the public. Nothing more, nothing less.
    This was exactly what I was saying, only you put it far more succinctly. So much has been made about the fact that he's black and we've now come to a point where his race no longer seems to matter. It was an important observation. I can't see how anyone could construe this as being racist, ignorant, or insensitive. If he had said, "Boy, Obama seemed extremely Black tonight," or "That was a very White SOTU by the President" that would have been racist. Commenting on the fact that you didn't even think about his race until the speech was over and you realized that for the first time you saw his simply as the President, not the first Black President is about as far from racism as you can get.
  • Fab1b
    Everyone saying its not offensive would be the first ones yelling about a fox news talking heading inciting race into their commentary!! You'd be the first ones I promise you!!
  • Stiffman
    I listened to the statement. I have an idea of what he meant to say. Was it offensive? Slightly. Was it intended to be - not at all. To me, all he wanted to point out was that for the first time in Obama's term, he saw him as the POTUS, not a black guy in front of a bunch of white people. That's good to know. I guess he didn't seem so black as he spoke, but when the speech was over, I guess his skin color brought reality back in focus again??? He did lose me when he talked of tribalism, but I kinda understand what he wanted to say there as well.

    I think it's still upsetting to know that this discussion is taking place. It stills shows that we have a very long way to go in terms of dealing with race issues in the US; not as long as we used to have to go, but a long way nonetheless. It's like going to Pluto - we've only just left the earth's orbit.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Fab1b wrote: Everyone saying its not offensive would be the first ones yelling about a fox news talking heading inciting race into their commentary!! You'd be the first ones I promise you!!
    How is it offensive? I hate Fox News and will bash them every chance I get, deservedly so, but someone's commentary on a race issue simply does not offed me nor do I think it should be offensive to anyone.

    I don't even think I could find a way to turn that into a controversy if I had to.....

    I'd like to hear you tell me why that quote could be considered offensive, besides the fact that we are overly sensitive to anything that includes race.....
  • Squirmydog
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: That wasn't offensive or racist or anything near that. We've been taught to be so overly sensetive to any comment on race that it's become quite ridiculous.

    It's simply a commentary on the idea that race was such a big deal in the beginning, but has now all but disappeared from the minds of the public. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Very close. We have been taught to politicize comments such as this. I thought it was no big deal, but what if Rush Limbaugh had said it? Al Sharpton would have to buy extra batteries for his megaphone.
    Obama in my opinion, is unfit to be president. He did not have the experience. He does not have the emotional makeup. His ideologies are dangerous. Black? Who cares. If Walter Williams or JC Watts would run for president, I would go door-to-door for them. We need to forget permanently that he is black and remember he is a lousy president.
  • Upper90
    bases_loaded wrote:
    Upper90 wrote:
    tk421 wrote: If O'reilly or someone else on Fox News had said this, would everyone still find it not so offensive? :dodgy:
    I've got to be honest, I've probably heard him say worse, but I also don't follow talking heads too much.

    There's a difference between offensive and stupid. To be honest, I'm just not sure that many people can distinguish the two, regardless of political party.
    You have probably heard him say worse...yet you don't follow talking heads too you are assuming he has said worse, basing this on what others have told you about him? Sounds familiar.
    Here I'll clear it up.

    I've DEFINITELY heard him say worse than this.

    Comments that people like him, and Olbermann often make are the REASON that I don't follow talking heads that much. There's no greater good in most of it, IMO. As GoRocks said, people just tune in to whoever can say the most inflammatory thing that backs up their political ideals, and I'm unsure, in a lot of cases, if anything is really learned.
  • Fab1b
    I personally never said it was offensive to me. However you liberals and Dems love to crack fox news every chance you get, when CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CSNBC, NBC, etc....does the same thing for the other side!! Like I said it wasn't offensive to me but you would have found it offensive if it was from fox news plain and simple. Your liberal media talking heads can say whatever they want and seem to get away with it but the first time a repub or fox head says something that could be taken as offensive or out of line the war is on!! Just like Harry Reid, can you imagine if he was a Republican???? I try to stay out of politics discussion as much as possible, but damn do liberals stir the pot every chance you get!!
  • TedSheckler
    Not really offensive unless someone of the right says it.
  • ytownfootball
    I think the problem is not what he said or how he said it, just the fact that he brought race into it at all.

    Nothing will ever get accomplished when the focus remains on race other than issues. Here we are talking about the race card and not what was said. It truly has very lttle to no relevance as far as I can see. He's the president.

    The race thing serves as a distraction to what really matters, issues.
  • CenterBHSFan
    ytownfootball wrote: I think the problem is not what he said or how he said it, just the fact that he brought race into it at all.
    Nothing will ever get accomplished when the focus remains on race other than issues. Here we are talking about the race card and not what was said. It truly has very lttle to no relevance as far as I can see. He's the president.

    The race thing serves as a distraction to what really matters, issues.

  • HitsRus
    Quite frankly, even as a Republican, I do not think of Obama as being a "black man"...I think of him as president of the United States. Our President. While I don't agree with him politcally, the color of his skin has never been an issue with me, nor is it an issue with most educated, conservative republicans. I'm sure there are some bigots in the Republican party, but the ones that emphasize his color are those that stand to gain the most from playing on race...that is the Democrats and Obama's liberal supporters who continue to talk race because it garners them votes.

    Condi Rice would have been my choice in the last presidential election. Imagine Mathews saying:

    "I forgot SHE was a woman and is black tonite for an hour".


    I did not personally find his comments offensive, but I'm not of color.
    But my first my thoughts about Mathews' comment? ...ONLY FOR AN HOUR, CHRIS?... WHAT ABOUT ALL THE TIME?
  • Upper90
    HitsRus wrote:But my first my thoughts about Mathews' comment? ...ONLY FOR AN HOUR, CHRIS?... WHAT ABOUT ALL THE TIME?
    Huh. That's a good point, something I didn't consider.
  • bases_loaded
    I think of him as a mocha baby anyways. He isn't black, but that doesn't matter. He is a socialist though and that to me does matter. But then again so was John McCain for the most part so the episode of Southpark with a douche and a turd sandwhich comes to mind.
  • 2quik4u
    Fab1b wrote: I personally never said it was offensive to me. However you liberals and Dems love to crack fox news every chance you get, when CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CSNBC, NBC, etc....does the same thing for the other side!! Like I said it wasn't offensive to me but you would have found it offensive if it was from fox news plain and simple. Your liberal media talking heads can say whatever they want and seem to get away with it but the first time a repub or fox head says something that could be taken as offensive or out of line the war is on!! Just like Harry Reid, can you imagine if he was a Republican???? I try to stay out of politics discussion as much as possible, but damn do liberals stir the pot every chance you get!!
  • Fab1b
    What is c/s?