
What's in your golf bag: Wedges

  • OneBuckeye
    I have a 60 and 56 wedge both Cleveland the 56 is one of those bronze sandwedge deals. Problem I have is a huge gap in my yardage between my wedge that came with the set and my 56. I need to get a 50 or 52 degree (I think) and I am just curious what everyone else has and what yardages they play.

    Full swing yadeges

    W - 125-135
    56 - 85-95
    60 - 60-70
    PW 47* 130
    Uw 52* 120
    SW 56* 110
    LW 60* 100

    All Ping I3 Blades
  • OneBuckeye
    I must have something wrong with my swing because I cannot hit my 60 100 yards, I must need a lesson. I have hit my 56 110 at times, but tend to pop it up if I am too agressive.
  • lhslep134
    PW 48 140
    GW 52 125
    SW 56 115
    LW 60 95

    PW is Titleist 690 MB blade
    GW-LW All Titleist Vokey Spin Milled
  • raiderbuck
    PW: not sure on loft..probably 45-48 I guess, I really should have it measured. 120
    56: 90-100
    60: anything under

    I'm looking to revamp my wedges before this season. I want to either add a gap wedge, or get rid of my 60 and 56, and replace them with a 54 and a 58. It's all contingent upon my loft on my pitching wedge. Plus my short game isn't the greatest. My biggest weakness is lack of confidence in my wedge shots, especially from the fairway <100 yards on in. I chunk it every time.

    Been trying to go to the range to practice, but that kinda shot usually picks up a huge divot. I don't wanna be "that guy" who's tearing up the tee box at the range, lol.
    OneBuckeye wrote: I must have something wrong with my swing because I cannot hit my 60 100 yards, I must need a lesson. I have hit my 56 110 at times, but tend to pop it up if I am too agressive.
    How deep are your divots you're taking with the 60?
  • stephen3108
    52 and 58 - Vokey Black Nickel Spin Milled.
  • OneBuckeye
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote:
    OneBuckeye wrote: I must have something wrong with my swing because I cannot hit my 60 100 yards, I must need a lesson. I have hit my 56 110 at times, but tend to pop it up if I am too agressive.
    How deep are your divots you're taking with the 60?
    Like a 70s porn star.
    try picking a lil cleaner and taking a shallow divot. It's gonna roll up ur clubface with a deep divot and go sky high.
  • OneBuckeye
    ^ yeah that is definately my problem, but I haven't had too much success with with my 60. More with my 56. The problem is that is how I hit the 48 and I am pretty accurate with it. Usually I take a generous divot but I have the occacsional monster divot and bad shot as a result. I think I just need to go shallow all the way around.
  • I Wear Pants
    I've got a PW and a 56 degree wedge.

    Never needed the 60 degree because I can do pretty much everything with the 56. Never have I had additional strokes because I didn't have a 60 degree.

    I can't hit even my 56 all too far though, there is a point where if I swing harder I just get more height/spin. And it isn't divot related. Doesn't really bug me though.

    I just realized how much I want to get back on the course. Last summer I finally fixed my drive so I feel like I might finally be able to be a scratch golfer by the end of this next summer.
    OneBuckeye wrote: ^ yeah that is definately my problem, but I haven't had too much success with with my 60. More with my 56. The problem is that is how I hit the 48 and I am pretty accurate with it. Usually I take a generous divot but I have the occacsional monster divot and bad shot as a result. I think I just need to go shallow all the way around.

    Ya I don't take a deep divot unless I'm taking a half swing. I usually take a long, shallow divot. you'll notice an increase in spin too as your making more contact with the ball and clubface as you trap the ball against the ground.
  • OneBuckeye
    Yeah my divots are usually long, but sometimes they can be overly deep. That is my trouble.
    also on a deep divot there's a lot of deceleration.