fish tanks
stwest30Has anyone switched a fresh water fish tank to a salt water tank? Is the salt water tank hard to take care of?
ytownfootballWhy do you want to switch?
stwest30the wife had the idea of making the switch.
Drums of WarHad a reef aquarium in college. My roommate managed a tropical pet store, so we got all the stuff pretty cheap. (mostly odds, ends, and left overs) The filtration system looked like something from a nuclear treatment facility, and he was always dumping money into the damn thing. It also seemed like there was more upkeep on the tank itself (cleaning and such). It also appeared that the fish were much more fragile and prone to illness than the freshwater fish. I am not sure if this experience is typical, but this is what I know of the subject.
ytownfootballOk but why?
stwest30I have a buddy that had a salt water tank and he said it was a 'chore' to keep the filtration system going. Thats what I told my wife, but the girl at the pet store told my wife it wasn't that hard to make the switch. you know how that goes.
ytownfootballIt's difficult, and expensive, especially with smaller tank sizes (under 55).
Salt tanks have "prettier fishes" something I'm sure the wife has said, but they aren't pretty when they float. If you've not managed to master the freshwater tank you'll have trouble.
That said though, a large, well established tank that has corals that are happy take care of themselves pretty well with nothing more than the usual cleaning.
I don't recommend it though.