
Do you find a problem with this shirt?

    I am doing a paper for my education class and came across this in my research. It won't let you read the whole article but it shows a picture of the design. I find it to be a little offensive and think the school officals are right. What are your thoughts?

    By Eric D. Lawrence, Detroit Free Press (MCT)
    A group of Arab-American students in the class of 2011 at Dearborn's Edsel Ford High told school officials they were showing pride in their class with their...
  • wildcats20
  • darbypitcher22
    why yes I do
  • iclfan2
    Wtf? That's ratarded.
  • wes_mantooth
    iclfan2 wrote: Wtf? That's ratarded.
  • ts1227
    Offensive? yeah.

    Should the school allow them to wear it? Probably not.

    Should the school confiscate them as they did, if they have no money wrapped in them? Absolutely not. It's none of the schools business what people do with these outside of school, but of course they made it their business.
    Damn Arabs. I'll take it out one tonight to get back at um.
  • UA5straightin2008
  • I Wear Pants
    Free Speech includes stupid and idiotic speech just as much as it does rational speech.
  • mexappeal12
    leave it to people in Michigan
  • Tiger2003
    Yes I do. But all you can really do is say you can't wear them to school.
  • eersandbeers
    I'd say it could be borderline offensive, especially if you are an Arab.

    What about this one?

  • gerb131
    I would smack someone for wearing that one.
  • iclfan2
    eersandbeers wrote: I'd say it could be borderline offensive, especially if you are an Arab.

    What about this one?

    This is worse than the other one. If you are arab and wore this shirt you deserve to get your ass kicked. Even if you aren't you're still looking for a beating.
  • Devils Advocate
  • wildcats20
    eersandbeers wrote: I'd say it could be borderline offensive, especially if you are an Arab.

    What about this one?

    I would probably kick the shit out of ANYONE wearing this shirt.
  • Fab1b
    What the hell is the matter with people??
  • CenterBHSFan
    Devils Advocate wrote:

    WBC shirts portraying the usual message by two boys holding hands.
  • eersandbeers
    Fab1b wrote: What the hell is the matter with people??

    It's humor. It may not be your type of humor, but there are many who do find it funny.

    The people who threaten physical violence against someone wearing a shirt are worse than the people looking for attention by wearing the shirt.
  • CenterBHSFan
    By Eric D. Lawrence, Detroit Free Press (MCT)
    A group of Arab-American students in the class of 2011 at Dearborn's Edsel Ford High told school officials they were showing pride in their class with their...

    See, I also have a problem with this. Are they Americans or do they have dual citizenship?
    Because I think dual citizenship is the only reason to have a hyphenated word before "American". All this stuff does is create a separationism.
    You're either American first or you're not. IMHO...
  • sherm03
    Tiger2003 wrote: Yes I do. But all you can really do is say you can't wear them to school.
    I would think, that if the school name is anywhere on the shirt, and they don't want to be associated with it, they could confiscate them. If the school name is NOT on the shirt anywhere...then I agree, they can only say don't wear them at school.

    I honestly think the shirt is clever. It's definitely in bad taste...but I see a lot of shirts that are in bad taste around.

    I actually saw a kid at a mall in Dayton wearing a shirt just like this one. Looks like these aren't the only kids that thought this idea up.
  • krambman
    I don't necessarily find it offensive, but it is certainly in poor taste.
  • detectivegibbles
    If they want to support their country/religion/etc....move back there. Take that shit somewhere else.
  • The Equalizer
    Thats the beauty of western civilization. You wear a shirt like that and most of us get angry and cringe a little but even the talk about beating someone's ass rarely if ever happens.

    You put this next to Dilbert in the funny papers and people who live around alot of sand want to seriously start cutting off heads:

  • sherm03
    detectivegibbles wrote: If they want to support their country/religion/etc....move back there. Take that shit somewhere else.
    Seriously dude? So anyone who has an Italian flag tattoo should have to leave for Italy, right? I wear shirts with the Irish flag on that not allowed, too? Whoever wears a cross around their neck has to leave the country? That Jewish guy I saw with his yamaka on has to head off to Israel?

    Like it or not, the people that fought for this country fought for some people's right to be idiots.

    I wouldn't wear the shirt because I have a certain respect for our military personnel that fought and died for me. But to say that if people want to support their heritage or religion should have to leave is just plain dumb.